Chapter 72

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"Mommy, Logan took my ice cream!" Brooke shouts and runs into the office room.

"No shouting." I shake my head.

"But Logan took my ice cream." Brooke pouts at me.

I pick her up and walk to the family room upstairs. Logan is sitting down on the couch while eating cookies and watching TV.

"Where is the ice cream?" I ask him.

"I put it back to the freeze. She is having cough and she can't eat ice cream." Logan says to me.

"Logan is right. You are having cough and you shouldn't eat ice cream." I turn my face at Brooke.

"But I want ice cream." Brooke says to me.

"You want ice cream? Okay sure you can but mommy and daddy don't want to stay up at night comforting you when you couldn't stop coughing." I said to her.

"Me too." Logan simply said.

"I don't want ice cream. But mommy don't go." Brooke put her arms around my shoulder.

"Okay mommy's here. Here." I smile at her and sit down next to Logan and have Brooke in my lap.

"Spoiled baby." Logan rolls his eyes.

"You are also the same." I chuckle and rub his head.

"Mom, you and dad will come to my game this weekend right?" Logan asks me.

"Of course. We won't miss it." I smile at him.

"And can you please make two lunch boxes tomorrow?" Logan asks me.

"Yes of course. But may I know for whom the other one is?" I turn my face at him.

"It's my friend, Josh. He has busy parents. We even never see his parents since third grade. He said that his parents are busy. But because they're too busy none watch him you know. He had lunch with bread and milk only. Then, sometimes he wore ripped t-shirt to school. Once, I lend him my hoodie because his shirt was dirty. I feel pity for him." Logan says to me.

"Yeah I will make two lunch boxes for you tomorrow." I nod. "You did good thing actually."

"You think so?" Logan chuckles.

"The things that you just said wasn't a good thing?" I chuckle. "Since you were little, your dad always said that you don't need to go to formal school, I can homeschool you but I told him that you need academics formal lessons not just valuable lessons in life." I grin at him.

"Mom, stop. I'm 12 years old. I'm in seventh grade." Logan rolls his eyes.

"I'm just proud of you." I chuckle.

"Well thank you." Logan nods.

I smile and turn my face at Brooke and kiss her forehead. She is having cold and cough this morning, that's why I'm not going anywhere today because my baby girl needs me.

Brooke is almost four and Logan is 12 years old. Yes they have age difference between them. But Logan is really a good big brother. When Mike isn't around, he takes care of Brooke and me. When none watch Brooke, he does that. Even though sometimes there will be yelling or shouting or crying because of siblings fight.

But that happened all the time. I'm still like that with Maddox. We are still having sibling fight and argue. And not for Mike because he is only child so when the kids start fighting he just can shake his head.

Maddox is now in the college. He is studying in NYU majoring theater performance. He said that he wants to work in theater industry as the actor or the director so..

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