Chapter 61

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I'm still sitting down on my bed and read my book. I close my book and walk out from my bedroom and walk to the kitchen until I see Sam is laying down on the couch and closing his eyes.

"Sam?" I pat his cheek.

"Uh what?" Sam opens his eyes.

"Why are you sleeping here?" I ask him.

"Mercedes and I broke up so I slept here." Sam sighs.

"Sleep in my room." I said to him.

"With you?" Sam raises his eyebrows.

"No, silly. I will sleep here." I said to him and sit down next to him.

"I know that face. You're not okay." Sam turns his face at me.

"What do you know." I roll my eyes.

"P, we dated for eight months. Of course I know." Sam simply said.

"I just miss my dad, my mom, Maddox, Jesse, and Blaine." I said to him.

"Why am I not on that list?" Sam frowns at me.

"You're here next to me." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Oh.. right.." Sam simply nods. "But you went out with Alex a lot now."

"Yeah it's actually feel comfortable to be around him and we went to music store then sang this romantic song which at the end we kissed. But deep in my heart it's not right." I sigh and hug my legs.

"Because you're in love with Mike." Sam simply said. "You know Alex and I weren't good friends because I always gave him death stare since he was trying to be male lead and trying to make move on you when we were dating."

"I know. You are kind of person who can't hide your jealousy." I chuckle. "What happened between you and Mercedes?"

"We decided that it's better to focus on our career and work professionally." Sam says to me.

I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh. "Moment like this that make me miss my dad the most. Oh Blaine too." I chuckle.

"Why Blaine?" Sam rubs my sleeve.

"Because Blaine is my close friend. Since senior year everytime I had problem I talked to him even when we fought." I said to him.

"Yeah me either." Sam nods.

"We were powerful trio but now he has gone been eating by New York City monster." I simply said.

"I will call him tomorrow." Sam kisses my head.

I sigh and rest my legs on the table in front of the couch. Sam keeps rubbing my sleeve and lean his head on top my head. I close my eyes slowly as I'm still leaning my head on Sam's shoulder.


"So this is the UCLA dorm looks like." I said to Jesse and sits down on his bed.

"What's wrong? You seems not okay." Jesse sits down next to me.

"What are you gonna do when you're still in love with your ex who has baby with his ex but then came this guy who is really nice and then you two kissed after singing a romantic song?" I turn my face at him.

"Complicated." Jesse simply nods.

"I know." I sigh and lay down in his bed. "I don't know what should I do."

"Tell him that you're dating me." Jesse lays down next to me.

"I already told him that I'm single. How can I suddenly tell him that I'm dating you?" I roll my eyes.

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