Chapter 65

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Back to Los Angeles and Christmas is one week away. I can't wait for that. I'm so excited. I don't ask much for my birthday this year. I just want happiness. But I guess I already got it.

Mike and I are still living with Sam and Blaine. But next year we will move out. We're still looking for our new apartment and I hope we will get that.

I'm just sitting down in front of the computer on cashier table and doing the inventory. Suddenly someone massaging my head. I turn my face and Mike is standing behind me.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle.

"You work too much." Mike says to me.

"No, it's okay. I love my job." I smile at him. Mike smiles back at me and pecks on my lips.

"Hi. Can I get a hot coffee matcha please?" A woman standing in front of the counter.

"Anything else, ma'am?" Mike asks her.

"No." She shakes her head.

"That'll be $5." I smile at her.

She gives me a cash and I give the change and the bill paper. "Where is your barista the one who is blonde?" She asks us.

"He is having day off. He will go back to tomorrow." Mike says to her and give her the coffee cup. "Thank you."

"Thank you." I smile at her and go back to sit down.

"Seriously your plan to hire Sam because he is good looking is totally working." Mike chuckles.

"Well, he is like chicks magnet." I chuckle.

"Do you heard that Brittany and Santana will have wedding on Valentine's Day?" Mike asks me.

"Yeah. I know. They wanted me to make a short movie for their online invitation." I nod. "I mean four of our friends are having their own family."

"We also the same." Mike chuckles.

"We haven't married yet." I chuckle.

"Because you said you weren't ready." Mike says to me.

"No. You are. Rachel and Finn's wedding then Santana and Brittany's proposal then being Logan's mom got me thinking that none is ready for anything. If we wait until we are ready, we done nothing. I wasn't ready to be a mother but now I am. I wasn't ready to graduate from high school and live in a city far from my family but I did." I said to him.

"So you're saying that you're ready to get married?" Mike asks me.

"Physically and mentally yes but financially not." I laugh.

"Why is that?" Mike laughs.

"I have my dream wedding, Mike. I mean every girls has. And I want it to be perfect and I'm not sure my parents will afford my wedding." I chuckle.

"They will. Our parents will." Mike says to me.

"Why are you seems like someone who wants to get married?" I chuckle.

"I mean four of our friends are married. Well, two of them are getting married. And I'm like when is my turn?" Mike giggles.

"Honey, that's just nature. Like when one of our friend already found out about their college acceptance, we would think the same thing." I smile at him.

"Schuester, can I get ice latte without sugar?" Jesse walks in and walks to the counter. "Man, life is really sour."

"It was a month ago. Let it go." I roll my eyes and get up.

"What's going on?" Mike asks.

I chuckle and make ice latte for Jesse. "Apparently Jesse can't accept that Rachel is marrying Finn." I laugh and give the ice latte to Jesse.

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