[Loki]- I thought you like her?

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It was just another casual day at Starks tower. Steve and Bucky were in the training room, having chats about 1940' things while punching the sandbag fiercely. Natasha stood in front of  the shooting range and threw knives at the target effortlessly at the same time chatted with Clint about his wife. Thor was in the kitchen, finding the pop tarts hidden by Steve. Tony and Bruce were in their lab doing their crazy experiments. I used to have fear of them blowing the whole building up but it never happens. I sat in the library, across from Loki, the god of mischief and lies. The tall raven-haired man buried himself in a pile of book which were all written in Asgardian. To be honest, I've had a huge crush on him like forever. Whenever he smiled or looked up at me, my heart started to beat really fast. I'm sure I have to do something before I get a heart attack. Cause he's the one I'll never have.
That was pretty sad that I found out he have a thing for Jane, Thor's ex, right before I was going to confess my feeling to him. It was three years ago but I still couldn't get the scene of him comforting Jane when Thor broke up with her out of my mind.
"(Y/N)!" Tony's voice dragged me out from my thoughts and made me jump from my seat, Loki gave me an annoyed stare as I interrupted his reading process.
"Don't shout in the library, Tony!" I hissed at him and he smirked at me.
"What were you thinking? Or, who?"
"Shut up before I beat your little brain out of your stupid head." I rolled my eyes and dragged him out to the hall. "What do you want?"
"I'm going to hold a party to celebrate Thor's birthday. Would you like to help?" He asked with puppy eyes.
"Of course!" Thor is one of the closest friends I have among the avengers besides Wanda and Pietro.
"Oh, do you think we should invite Jane?" Tony asked suddenly.
"What? No, they broke up a long time ago, didn't they?" I glared at him since he knew I don't like Jane very much. Because of Loki, of course.
"But they seems to be quite close." Tony rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Right... I'll ask Jane if she wants to come." I nodded unwillingly, she is a really nice person but...shame to say, I'm so jealous of her.
"Thanks. I have to go on a mission so I probably won't be back until next Wednesday."
"What? But Thor's birthday is on next Thursday!" I widened my eyes.
"That's why I ask you to help me." He smirked before running away, I'm going to make him pay for this.
I was so focus on how to hold that party that I didn't notice the pair of green eyes looking at me as I walked away.

I called Jane on the weekend and she agreed to come happily. She really is nice. I hate myself for being so narrow-hearted. On Thursday, Thor's birthday, I put on a dark blue dress and walked out of my room, surprisingly, Loki was leaning against the room out of my room waiting for me.
"Loki, what are you doing here?" Aren't you supposed to be down stairs chatting with Jane? I added in my heart.
"Well, you hold the party for my dumb brother who is now having fun with the pop tarts Captain gives him instead of coming over and thank you so I decided to do him a favor. A lady like you should be treated properly." He offered a smile that almost made me melt like ice cream in Sahara desert. I smiled at him as I took his arm and went to the ball room together. I spotted Jane and Wanda immediately, they seemed to be having a great time. Then Wanda noticed my glare, she dragged Jane to me and Loki.
"Hi, long time no see, Jane." I smiled and shook hands with her.
"Yeah, long time no see." Jane gave me one of her gorgeous smile. God I would've fallen for her if I'm a guy.
"Would you mind give us some time?" Loki asked me suddenly, I bit the inside of my mouth and nodded while walking off with Wanda.
"C'mon, don't be so down." Wanda said as she sat down at the corner with me.
"I'm sitting at a corner watching my crush having fun with a wonderful woman." I sighed and drank all my vodka in ten seconds. The liquor burned my throat but all I cared about was the scene of Loki laughing with Jane.
"Whoa whoa easy, honey. Besides, Jane has no feelings for Loki, I asked her before you got here." Wanda handed me some tissue paper to wipe the corner of my mouth.
"I'm going to get myself another drink." I announced as I walked to the bar and ordered myself another vodka.
"Being a pretty girl like you, isn't vodka a bit too strong for you?" A man appeared at my side and put his arm around my waist.
"No." I answered annoyed as I got rid of his grip bit he soon put it on my shoulder, this time he brought his face to me.
"Wanna get out of here and have some fun?" The horrible breath came right into my face and made me want to throw up.
"Get your hand off me before I broke it and use it to send you home with a home run." I hissed as I tried to push him away. Unfortunately, one of the side affects of drinking vodka in ten seconds got to me and made me drunk. I cursed myself with some words which would make Steve scream if he hear them. The man smirked and griped my arm that I m sure there's going to be bruises afterwards as he dragged me toward the exit.
"I'm sure the lady there said no to you." A gentle voice stopped the man and I got pulled into a warm embrace a few seconds later.
"Get off my way and give me the girl before I beat you to death, dude, it's none of your business." I heard the man said. But since my head is pressed into the firm chest with a big hand, I couldn't see what was happening. I gripped on my hero's should tightly and heard a light chuckle.
"Well, then I'm sorry to say, I don't think you're any longer welcome to be a human then." Loki said darkly as he waved his free hand.
Slaughters from the crowd were the last thing I heard before Loki picked me up bridal style and teleport upstairs to the living room. He put me on the sofa and I whined for losing his touch disappointedly.
"My,my, you're so cute when you're drunk." Loki chuckled and handed me a glass of water. "Here, drink it."
I sat up and felt the world spinning around me. If he didn't hold my should to steady me I would be throwing up all over Tony's sofa. I got drunk in front of my crush, wonderful. I drank the water and sat back on the sofa while he went to put the cup away. He came back and sat by my side later. There was a long awkward moment between us.
"So... what about Jane?" I asked carefully. "Is she okay with you being up here with me?"
"She'll understand it, I'm just helping a friend." He said with a gentl smile. My heart broke at the words' just helping a friend.'
"Well, good to know you two are happy together." I said looking at my hands sadly. He chuckled lightly at my response.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You're even cuter when you're jealous." He said, smirking.
"I beg you pardon?" I turned to him with wide open eyes. Did he just say I'm cute and jealous?
"Honey, you heard me." The last second I heard him say, the next second I was in his arms, lips crushed to his.
To say the kiss was wonderful is an understatement. It was mind blowing. He let go of me later because of the lack of oxygen. I stated at him confused.
"Why are you looking at me like that, darling?" He chuckled lightly which.made my heart melt.
"I thought you like her." I said, tilting my head.
"No, I dont, my love. It's always been you that I long for." He said while pressing another kiss to my forehead.

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