[Thor] - pop tart

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Summary: you find Thor more interested in pop tarts than in you so you decided to get him jealous with pop corn.
Warning: this is ridiculous but it feels like it's the right thing to write lol

"Thor!" You yelled the tenth time in the last five minutes. Your boyfriend should have been joining you with the movie hours ago but he kept staying in the kitchen doing things.
"Just a minute, my lady, my pop tart is almost ready." Thor replied from the kitchen, in front of the oven. You could imagine the scene of him sitting in front of the oven waiting for his pop tart to get ready like a Labrador waiting for its owner to get home. This was the god knows how many times he make you wait cause of the stupid pop tarts. You knew it's idiotic to get jealous of snacks but hell, you're that idiot. Instead of going to kitchen and start an argument with him, you had a better idea. You're gonna make him feel how you feel.

=the next day=
"Lady Y/N." Thor boomed which made you jumped a little.
"Uh-huh." You responded, not turning around.
"You promised me that you would watch animal planet with me hours ago." Thor said. "I really want to see the dinosaurs."
"Oh but I'm busy dealing with my pop corn." You showed him the oven with your unpopped pop corn in it.
"Oh...okay, then I shall wait for you."
"No,no,no, you can watch it now, don't wait for me." You said with a smirk.
"Okay..." Thor left the room unhappily with a pouting face which made you want to giggle but you had managed to hold it back.

After half and hour, which involved Thor constantly calling for you and stealing glances from you from the door, you finally went to join him on the sofa.
"Lady Y/N!" Thor beamed happily and reached out to hug you but you moved fast enough to get away from his hands.
"Nuh, I'm going to date my pop corns tonight." You shook a finger to him and sat down at the other end of the sofa.
"Is that even possible to date pop corns?" Thor frowned confused.
"I can do whatever I want." Stealing his brother's line you started watching the dinosaur program all the mean time hugging the giant bowl holding pop corns. Yet Thor no longer wanted to watch t.v., he likes to watch tv with you in his arms and cuddle you to sleep. But now Mr. Pop corns had taken his place.
He wasn't happy. At all.
"Y/N..." Thor started again. "I really want to cuddle..."
"No thanks." Smirking secretly, you acted like pop corns was all you want. "You can go date pop tart actually."
"No, why would I - oh!" Thor widened his eyes and opened his mouth in a O shape.
"Lady Y/N, are you angry at me spending too much time on pop tarts?"
"No! Of course not! Why would I be jealous of you spending every minute waiting for your stupid pop tart?"
Okay that came out too harsh. Thor grinned widely as he spooned you into his arms.
"My dearest lady, nothing could.compare to your beauty, you charm especially your wonderful personality."
"Not even pop tarts?"
"No even pop tarts."
"..." you pouted, thinking of how to reply, only to be kissed by the one and only god of thunder.
"Forgive me, my lady."
"I love you"
"Uh." You finally gave up on resisting his puppy eyes.
"I love you too you big dork."

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