Call your crush

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You had a night with your fellow avenger cast members, someone came up with a terrible idea of playing tic tok call your crush. And, being the one with the worst luck among you guys, the job yo call your crush landed on you.

※ everyone is single af here.

※for those who don't know, call your crush is a game in which tic tok choose a person at random and the chosen one have to call her crush.

Here we go!

Chris Evans ver.

"Oh kid, I think we all know who you're gonna call." Robert smirked at you. Your crush on Chris had never been a secret, up to Russos down to the set builders, they all knew about your crush on the Captain America actor.

"Then can I pass please?" You pouted and tried to bargain.

"Nope, call him right now." Scarlett shoved your phone into your hand.

"Fine." You sighed and dialed Chris, who was sitting right across from you, and put the phone on speaker.

"You called him eye candy?" Elizabeth laughed at your contact name for Chris .

Chris's phone started to ring, Robert peaked at it.

"And his contact name for her is baby doll!!!! My ship is so fucking sailing!!!" He yelled, amused.

You two both blushed, hard, like crazy.

"Hello Chris, I have to tell you I have a crush on you ." You shyly said.

"Awwwww " the cast grinned.

"Yeah?" Chris looked at you, smiling.

"I kind of have a crush on you." 

"Ehehehehe " Tom freaking Hiddleston just couldn't hold back his British earl grey tea breath laugh.

"But I don't have a crush on you." Chris said. Your heart sank at his words and other cast members turned to stared at him in utter disbelief. Before Robert could say anything, Chris said.

"I think I'm in love with you." 


Sebastian Stan ver .

"Sebby." You put him on speaker as soon as he picked up. He was out of town doing a retake for another movie so he wasn't in the game.

"Yep what's up?" He replied.

"I have to tell you something." 


"I kind of have a crush on you." 

Chris smirked at you. He never told you but he had known that you guys had a crush for each other from day one.

"Oka - what? You do?" 

Robert bit his lips from laughing.

"Um yes, uh, do you?"

"Hell yeah, I've liked you since our first day on set to be honest."

Chris was now grabbing his left chest, kneeling on floor, laughing like crazy.

"Seriously?" You squeaked, fully surprised.

"Yep, so are we an item now?" Sebastian asked.

"We better be, I'm changing your contact name to baby Seabass now."

Robert Downey Jr ver.

"So it's Y/N's turn to call her crush." Elizabeth announced happily.

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