[avengers] - replaced

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Summary: a new member tried to replace you and she did. Your power is to stop time but everyone can still see what you're doing when you stop the time.

Hanna sat at the bar drinking. A dark look on her face. She stared at the blond beauty who was currently flirting with the male avengers while Nat and Wanda sitting next to her laughing. That used to be her place. Hanna watched as her boyfriend Steve put an arm around her shoulder and laugh happily. The soreness wasn't a new visitor. This had been happening ever since the new girl, Gina, join the team. She had managed to make Nat and Wanda believe that Hanna hated them and that she had been flirting with Vision, which Hanna didn't. She had successfully got herself hurt in the fights when they were paired up and acted like it was Hanna's fault, which wasn't. Right now, the one who run with Sam, the one who drink with tony, the one who go to supermarket with Thor, are no longer Hanna, it's all Gina now.
Day by day, Hanna had less and less faith in herself. It broke her, but who cared? Everyone hated her, except her sister, Maria Hill. Hanna always go to her sister whenever she needs help, and let's just say, Maria hates those idiotic avengers who put her sister in hell.


"Steve, may I talk to you?" Hanna walked in the bedroom they shared and quietly sat down at the edge of the bed. Although she had talked to him several times about Gina and he didn't once believe her, she's going to try the last time.
"Yes, what's up?" Steve titled his head from the newspaper.
"It's about Gina-"
"We've talked about this before, Hanna, you're just overreacting." Steve sighed, getting back to his newspaper annoyed.
"But-" the words Hanna was gonna say were cut short by a horrible scream. She and Steve ran out of the room into the living room where everyone was. There stood a woman only in a towel,covered in blood, Gina.
"Oh my goodness, what happened?" Steve rushed to her while taking off his jacket and put it on her shoulders.
"I... was... taking a shower...and there are glasses in my shampoo..." Gina said during sobbing. Then she looked directly at Hanna. "Do you really hate me that much to do this? I'm sorry that I spend too much time with Steve but why do you have to do this?"
The avengers stared at Hanna in unbelief and disgust while Bruce took out the first aid kid and clean Gina's wound.
"You did this?" Tony asked.
"No." Crack her heart broke a little. Tony was the one who gave  her advices for wooing Steve and now he's questioning her.
"But you're the only one who would do that! We all love Gina and you're jealous." Bruce stated calmly as usual. Crack crack. Bruce was the one who believed her the most but still, he didn't believe her.
"I won't do anything to hurt any of my teammates, I'm not that kind of bitch." You said looking  directly into the doctor's eyes.
"Are you not?" Wanda chuckled coldly. The wonderful nights they had before suddenly flashed through Hanna's eyes. She shook it away.
"What do we do, Steve?" Natasha asked after sitting at the edge of sofa watching all this happening.
Hanna turned to her boyfriend with hope but almost broke down when she saw his expression.
"You don't believe me, either, do you?" She asked with a sad smile.
Steve opened his mouth to say something but closed it seconds later.
Looking at everyone's faces, Hanna walked straight to Gina. The latter shivered and bury herself in Steve's chest. Hanna watched as Steve put his arms around Gina and stared at her cautiously, her heart broke into pieces.
"Hey Gina," Hanna smiled, "they're all yours now."
Hanna walked away from her old friends and stopped the time. She took her time collecting her stuffs from the room she shared with Steve and she organized every gift she had received from the avengers into each box. She called her sister and Maria promised to be there in thirty minutes. Picking up the boxes, Hanna walked into the living room again and put every box in front of each avenger. They stared at her with various kinda of emotions in flashing in their eyes. Hanna put down the last box. Steve's. She stared at him for a few seconds while biting her lower lip. She bit it so hard that there's blood coming out of the line.
"You know what hurt me the most, Steve? Is that you forgot yesterday was our one year anniversary," Hanna sighed, "but that doesn't matter anymore."
Hanna took off the necklace Steve gave her when he got it from his mother. It used to mean so much that Hanna wore it everyday. But thing were different now. To everyone's surprise, Hanna put the necklace on Gina's neck.
"Take good care of them. I don't know why you hate me so much to do all this to me but please do me a favor. Make them happy." Hanna turned, not able to look at any of her ex-coworkers anymore she picked up the box that had her personal belongings in and walked into the elevator.
"Bye guys." She said before the doors slide close.

The avengers stared as Hanna walked in the room and got her things out then put the gifts from them in front of them. Tony knew they had made a big mistake as he saw the sad expression on Hanna's face. She had gave up. They watched as Hanna put everything they had gave her in boxes on the ground in front of them. Bruce shouted loudly in his heart begging her not to do this when she put the cap he gave her as a birthday present in the box. But damn the fucking power of hers restrained his moves. He could only stared as his best friend gave up all the memory they once had.

Steve watched as Hanna walked away into the room they shared. He knew all these were not her fault and that she had been right all the time when He saw the pain in her eyes. Those green eyes were no longer bright, they had bags around them and hurt had covered them all up. He knew he had made a mistake of not trusting her, forgetting their anniversary or even took care of Gina when she was the one who hurt her the most. But he couldn't move. His heart ached when she said " they're all yours now." In a exhausted, defeated tone. She had tried to ask for help so many times but he kept ignoring her desperate call for aid. Now she was broken, hurt and depressed and it was all his fault. He saw her walked out with several boxes in her arms.
No no no!  He screamed knowing what she's going to do. He saw her putting each box in front of the avengers. She went to him in the end. He stared directly into her eyes trying to beg her not to do this. Not to leave him. But when he saw the look in her eyes closed up, he almost broke down. In her eyes were no hope, no joy, and no emotion. They were completely blocked from her emotion. Knowing that she was broken almost killed Steve. Then he saw her took off the necklace he gave her.
He screamed. He knew how Hanna cherish that necklace and that she considered it as their love. He felt his heart shattered into pieces when she put that necklace on Gina's neck. What had he done to make her think that he loved Gina instead of her?
He wanted to pull her into his arms and say sweet things to her. He wanted to kiss her and cuddle with her all night talking about their future, he wanted to tell her that he loves her.
But all he could do was to watch her walk away. Away from the avengers away from the future he wanted to have with her, away from his life.

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