[avengers] - get her back

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Hanna sat at the shot gunof her sister's car. Staring out of the window, she hummed "happier"
The sad tone of hers made Maria's heart ache.
"Hanna, you know you can cry out right?" Marisa said held out a hand to hold her sister's cold hand.
"I feel nothing." Hanna responded blankly.

=back at the stark tower=
The day after what happened.
The avengers were gathering in the living room, with Gina sitting down on the sofa with Thor, Clint, Vision and Loki. All the avengers were there except Tony and Wanda.
"Why did Tony call us here?" Thor asked curiously.
"Cause someone's not as nice as we thought." Steve answered coldly, " and we've been treating the real good one terribly for a long time."
"Okay. Sit up straight guys." Tony walked into the room with a lap top in his hand. Wanda followed behind with swollen red eyes.
"What's wrong, honey?" Vision walked over and pulled his girlfriend into his arms.
"We might not be able to get her back. She's so broken. By us." Wanda said, guilt shadowing her eyes.
"What's going on?" Gina tilted her head, innocently touched Steve's shoulder. This soldier hadn't given her any attention since that Hanna left. And he took away the necklace, which Natasha said was really important to him. Gina bit the inside of her mouth, thinking of other ways to win Steve's heart.
Steve moved away from Gina. To be honest he had never felt so disgusted toward someone. But he did help her hurt Hanna, by ignoring her and not trusting her. Steve tightened his fist while waiting for Tony setting up the screen.
"Alright, first, let's clear one thing, Hanna had never, ever, try to seduce or turn Vision against Wanda, in fact it's actually the other way around." Tony snapped and Friday played the clip of Gina trying to seduce Vision by flirting touching and extremely explosive clothing in the hall way. Nat and Wanda gave Gina disgusted looks. Gina tried to defend herself but was cut off by Nat pointing a knife against her throat. "Bitches don't get to talk."
"And next, she had never purposely hurt Gina in the field, same, it's the other way around."
Another clip was played, showing Gina shoving Hanna into a way of a bullet, which ran through Hanna's arm with her cry of pain. Then Gina took a bullet intentionally. Bruce tightened his grip on the sofa, a bit of green showed on his arm. He remembered the way Gina blamed Hanna of shoving her to the bullet while Hanna pressed a hand to her arm,unable to talk. Standing up, he stormed out of the room, afraid to let the HULK out.
"I kind of want to lock you and the HULK in the same room" Clint stated, shaking his head.
Gina paled, things weren't going as she thought. The avengers should have been fond of her, befriending her instead of looking her in disgust.
"Fri, tell us what else she did to hurt Hanna." Steve asked firmly.
"According to the cameras installed in boss's suit, during last eleven battles, agent Foss had intentionally shoved agent Hill to bullets fifteen times with no failure, purposely cut her thirty two times and failed once. Those are the statistics in record, I'm sincerely sorry that I'm not able to analyse the battles boss didn't join."
"And I think she put the broken glass in her shampoo herself right?"
"Logically,yes." Friday responded," there's no footage indicating that miss Hanna had been in agent Foss's room."
"So, let's have a chat about what to do with our little bitch here." Nat whispered in Gina's right ear.
"I've sent the the evidences I have to Fury, and let's just say Maria helped a lot getting Fury in a fury." Tony smirked dangerously. "But before that, I'm think of letting her  go through what happened to Hanna." Tony tilted his head innocently and smiled.
"Loki would be willing to do that." Thor said out loud. Nodding as if he was thinking about something.

They brought Gina to SHIELD. Natasha through her into the room where Loki was with Fury turning his head away pretending not seeing anything. Let's just say, she came out of the room half dead screaming kill me please.
Steve went to Maria right after he left Gina with Nat. He was shot with a cold look But He knew he deserved it.
"Where's Hanna?" Tony ran up behind Steve, panting. He considered Hanna his best friend and he didn't want to hurt her like that.
"She's gone." Maria said lightly.
"What?" Steve shouted, jaw wide opened.
"You heard me. You did this, and don't you dare pretend to love my sister or care about her. You don't deserve her after all you did. I hope you all are happy now that she's gone." She turned, stormed out of the building.
"Is it true?" Tony grabbed Fury, who just went out of the conference room.
"That Hanna is-is-"
"Oh, right, THAT." Fury narrowed his eyes at the avengers. "Is true."

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