[Tom Hiddleston] - girl in the shadow

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Summary: you like Tom, Tom like Taylor. That explains it all.

"Stephanie, have I told you about Taylor's new song?" Tom beamed happily at you when you cook for him and Chris, you live next to Chris and tom often comes and eat with you.
"Tom, you've been talking about it all night, give this poor girl a break." Chris said while handing you the salt can.
"She's just wonderful." Tom said with a dreamy smile. Chris turned to you. He's knew about your crush on him since six years ago.
Sighing, you put the last dish on the table and forced a smile. It breaks your heart every time you hear him talk about his girlfriend for three months with that adoring tone.
"I'm planning on proposing ." Tom said suddenly.
"You what?" You almost dropped the bowl you were holding and Chris got choked by the wine he was drinking.
"I want to propose to her." Tom said with seriousness all written on his face. You felt tears gathering around you eyes and turned around quickly walking away. After you got out of the dining room, you covered your mouth with your hands to prevent the painful scream from sneaking out your mouth. All those years, you've been watching Tom dating women, tall, petite, blond, brunette, but never you. Deep down in your heart you know that ever since the very beginning, you've always been in the friend zone. You never stand a chance. You've never do and you'll never do.
"Scarlett, do you mind if I come over?" You phoned your best friend and tried to hold your sobs. Being your closest friend since you were in kindergarten, Scarlett spotted your pain immediately.
"Of course." She said in a sad tone.
Grabbing the keys by the door, you stepped into the cold street in December. Ignoring the falling snow and Chris's calls, you kept walking, an hour later, tour at the front door of Scarlett's, soaked , cold, shivering, heartbroken.
"Oh my goodness me, come on in Stephanie. Sit, I'll go grab some cloth for you. "Scarlett left the room for three minutes and came back with an arm full of comfortable pajamas. You quickly got to the bathroom and changed the wet cloth. Looked into the mirror, you looked like someone who just had a fight with polar bear in Artic Ocean.
"So what did he do this time?" Scarlett doesn't need to ask to know who made you this broken.
"He's going to propose." You said during sobs.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She pulled you into a tight hug. "I'll call Elizabeth and we can have a movie night, you need to get your mind mind off this." She said firmly.
"Thank you, Scarlett, you're the best."

=the next day=
You got home and saw Chris waiting for you.
"Where have you been! I was so worried about you!" He stood up and pulled you into his strong arms.
"I stayed at Scarlett's. I had a movie night with her and Elizabeth." You responded tired.
"Stephanie..." Chris tried to say something but was cut off by you.
"Please, don't." You sighed and walked back to your room. You didn't see tom so you assumed he was with Taylor. That woman is so lucky.
A few days later you saw the news. Tom really did propose to her, you clicked in the Video knowing that you will end up heartbroken.
And you did.
You curled into a ball on your bed and cried for hours, the scene in the video was so beautiful, romantic but it wasn't for you. You know you won't be able to continue to be friend with Tom after all these. You're not strong enough.
The door bell rings
"Yes-" you were expecting to see Scarlett or Chris but you saw Tom, that's why you left your mouth half open, not knowing what to say.
"Oh my god, what happened? You look horrible, Stephanie." Tom stepped into your apartment with a worried look on his face.
"Nothing important, I was watching titanic. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Taylor?" You asked wiping your red eyes and forced a smile.
"Well, I'm here to invite you to my wedding personally, since you're my best friend, I think I should not just send you a card." He smiled happily, boy, he looks happy.
But you know you won't make it to his wedding, you won't survive after watching him say his vow to another woman.
"Sorry, Tom, I can't go to your wedding." You apologize, looking away from him.
"Why not?" Tom's smile faded away.
"Um, I just can't, I'm really sorry." You sighed and open the door. "You need to go."
"What? Stephanie, what's happening with you? You're not the one who would refuse to go your best friend's wedding and get them out of your house, unless, do you not consider me as your friend?" He stared at you sadly.
"Please, Tom, don't push it." Taking a deep.breath, you don't know how long you can keep holding on.
"No, Stephanie, I need to know what's wrong with you, you're my friend and I'm worried!" Tom tried to grab your hand but you pulled away before he could.
"Tom,please..." you found yourself literally begging for him to leave which hurt you both.
"Ok, Stephanie, I just have one more question, do you consider me as a friend?" Tom stared at you with those beautiful eyes which are now full of sadness.
"No." You said closing the door. Tears falling down your cheeks unstoppablly, you buried your face into your knees and hugged yourself tightly. Tom was hitting your door begging you to open it but finally gave up after ten minutes of shouting begging and crying. He left heartbroken and he left you heartbroken.

After a week of staying at home crying your eyes out, you finally decide to get out of the house and go out because you will die if you don't go and buy food. You saw Taylor with Tom at the market you went to. They were holding hands, Taylor's lovely blond hair reflect the lights while she giggled at Tom's jokes. Her slim body leaned on him while asking if she could get a box of chocolates. She is perfect. Look down at yourself, messy hair, dark begs under eyes, t-shirt and sport shorts, she is the goddess and you are a mess. You will never be good enough for tom as she is. Hearing a sharp horn, you saw a car which lost control driving directly to the store through the glass windows. You saw who were on the way. Tom and Taylor. You did the only thing you could think of.
You ran to them.

The car crashed you before you shoved them out of the way. You looked up, not sure how bad you condition is. You saw Tom and Taylor running towards you. Tom's blue eyes widened when he recognized you. Tears soon filled the beautiful eyes.
"No no no Stephanie, NO!" He cupped your face with his big hands and sobbed, Taylor wiped away some tears while calling 911. She then knelt besides you and hold your hands.
"Thank you." She whispered while sobbing unstoppablly.
"Take... good care... of ...Tom..." you smiled and look at the beautiful blond. "I'm not... good enough... for him... but you... are..."
Blackness then drowned you before you could say goodbye.

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