[Chris Evans] - will you

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Chris Evans is single here.
You're the make up artist of captain America and Thor.
You are a green eyed blond beauty named Jessie. (Just too lazy to type yn yec etc.)

"Hey, Chris, have you seen Hemsworth?" Jessie ran up to the laughing captain America and asked. The blond man was currently sharing some hilarious comment with Robert Downey Jr.
"Yeah, I saw him walk to the vending machine at the corner, why?" Chris turned to his make up artist and asked. Her blond hair was tied into a high pony tail with lights sparkling in her gorgeous green eyes. He had always loved to look in those eyes.
"Well, he had to put on the make up all over again since an assistant accidentally slipped and spoil a bottle of water on him. I have to get him all set up before the shot." Jessie ran to the vending machine while waving goodbye to the man with that panty-melting smile.
"Chris! I told you not to run off." Jessie spotted the tall man poking the machine.
"I was just sooooooooo thirsty." Chris whined while walking back to Jessie' work place. Jessie said nothing but shrugged since she knew how much this man was in love with the soda from that vending machine.
Jessie made him sit and started to imply make ups on the famous god of thunder when Robert came in.
"Oh hey Rob, what's up?" Jessie gave the man in his casual outfit a small smile before turning to Thor's face.
"Nothing, just in a mood of chatting." Robert smirked at the blond artist. "So, you and Chris, huh?"
"Me? What about me?" Chris Hemsworth turned confused before being grabbed by Jessie.
"Don't move and not you." She picked up another brush. "And Rob, I don't think there's anything between us. He's way too good for me."
"Ohhh,you're talking about Evans!" Hemsworth got excited about the news.
"Great now Thor knows about it, who's next, Loki?" Jessie rolled her eyes while grabbing another brush from a drawer.
"Actually all the set except Evans knows about your crush on him." Rdj sighed.
"C'mon, who doesn't have a crush on him? Hell, he is captain America." Jessie rolled her eyes as she took a few steps back and looked at Hemsworth's face with satisfactory. She IS good at her work.
"We all know it's not that simple. Just go talk to him, ask him to coffee or dinner." Robert kept nagging with a smug smile.
"Nope." Jessie shook her head. She would never do that unless she wants to get ashamed by being rejected by her celebrity crush.
=later that day=
Jessie stood besides the wonderful avenger cast and had some few chats with them. Toms (Hiddleston and Holland) kept nagging her about how she should go and ask Chris out and finally she had had enough and said" I'll never ask him out, if he really is into me then he will do it."
She then found out that she accidentally yelled those things out because everyone was staring at her with a smirk, except Chris, he had a serious face on him.
"Oh my god." Jessie mentally hit herself with Thor's hammer multiple time and buried her face into her palm.
"Chris, if you can't ask her out now I'm going to stab you with Lol I'd dagger and I'm sure he will be happy with it." Tom Hiddleston said with his eyes narrowed.
Chris coughed with a shade of dark red on his cheeks while he walked toward Jessie.
"So... um...I see that you like me." He started at a totally wrong way.
"Chris!" Scarlett rolled her eyes. "You better man up or you'll see a furious pregnant mom who happens to be the black widow."
"Ok! Ok! Geez guys you need to calm down. So uh... Jessie, I really like you, so... would you gogo out with me? Maybe a coffee or movie or whatever you like."
Jessie squealed happily fangirl-styled and beamed widely to her crush.

"Good work kid." Tom the Loki patted Tom the Spider-Man's shoulder.
"Thanks Mr.Hiddleston, the idea of driving Miss Jessie crazy was brilliant!" Little Tom smile widely at the couple who were now holding hands and talking about the movie they were going to.

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