Look at my ass

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You saw some tic tok compilation on YouTube and you gave it a try. Most importantly to make your boyfriend jealous of course.

Here we go!

Steve ver.

You went into your shared room with Steve sitting at the king size bed. You put the phone on the shelve you stored booked and click record.

The cheap and brainwashing music caught Steve's attention, he looked up at you with curiosity and fascination as he saw you wearing his shirt and really short jeans. You killed him every time you wear his shirt which looked way to big on you and show your slim long legs.

"Doll, what are you doing?" He asked and smiled at you swaying your body at the beat.

"Just look." You replied with a smirk.

"Look at my ass -" you show the camera your butt with a super cute wink and ran your hand along your thigh.

Steve gasped loudly and the next second you were thrown on to bed with him wrapping you with a blanket. He hugged you with one hand and meanwhile trying to shut down the phone furiously.

Later on, after you turned off your phone under his watch, he gave you a long speech about songs that contains foul languages and showing body parts to people other than him.

*But one day Bucky told you that Steve told him that he wanted you to do the dance for him.

*So you did.

*Steve blushed like crazy.

Tony ver.

You went down to the lab and found your boyfriend Tony busy fixing the suit for spiderkid. You took out your set your phone on a empty desk and pressed record.

Tony turned to you when he heard the opening music, of course he knew what that song is. He's Tony stark, the guy who lead the trend.

He looked as you swayed your hip, seductively traced your fingers along your long legs  and did some waves. When you finished, he came over and pinned you to the desk.

"Oh, baby, I am looking at them." He whispered.

*then you have steamy sex right then, right there.

"Babe why weren't you jealous?" You asked, still panting.

"No need, I had Friday block all the signal." He grinned.

Bucky ver.

"Buck, do a tic tok with me please?" 

"Tic tok? You mean people dancing to brainwashing music and record it?"


"If you want to." Bucky smiled at you excitedly set your phone on the nightstand by your bed.

He watched as you wave with the opening music. You were in his sweater and a pair of sweat pants, it might look ugly and lazy on someone else but they looked way too good on you.

"Look at my ass and -" you didn't even get to finish the first line as Bucky grabbed you and pulled you to bed at the first sight of your hands going to your hip.

You struggled to sit up but he sat on your legs, looked down at you with his arms crossed and narrowed eyes.

"Buck." You poked him and gave him your best puppy eyes.

"Why are you showing strangers your butt, which," he leaned down and grabbed your hands above your head. "Belongs to me."

"I saw that on YouTube and gave it try." You pouted and stole a kiss from him.

"Nice try, now my turn."

*Bucky told you who you belong to by making you scream it out.

Winter soldier ver.

"Winter babe." You called for him as Winter entered the room you shared. He turned to you, the death glare softened a little.

"Come play tic tok with me." You pushed him on to bed and stood in front of him with back facing him.

"What's this, doll?" He asked with his thick Russian accent, which always made your knees weak.

"Just look!"

You pressed the record button and danced with the opening music. You turned and threw Winter a wink, which earned a small smile from him.

"Look at my a -"

You didn't even put your hands on your butt before Winter grabbed you and shot your phone. He gripped you waist and buried his face at the crook of your neck. He bit your neck and sucked at your earlobe.

"Not gonna let those men out there see my doll's ass."

*Tony rushed in shouting about the gun shot and ran into you two making out.

*Winter apologized for shooting your phone and you told him it was totally worth it.


Thor watched with adoration as you smiled up at him and invited him to do tic tok together. He didn't care what tic tok was, as long as you're by his side, he's utterly satisfied. You were wearing his Marvel dark grey hoodie and a pair of light blue tight jeans, which showed your beautiful curves perfectly.

Thor watched you sway you hip at the music, he wondered what the song was about. 

Then he saw you show your cute round butt to the camera.

The next thing you knew, you were in Thor's arms with a god throwing his hammer at your phone.

"Thor!" You laughed out loud when you saw the pout on his face.

"I am sorry for damaging your cellphone my lady, but I don't know how to turn it off instantly and I don't want any body else see you being so cute and so lovable."

You melt at his words and gave him a kiss.

"That's alright, my big goofy love."

*He kept on implying that he wanted you to do the dance for him only.

*And you did.

*and that was the sexiest day of his life.

Bruce ver.

Just kidding, you're not gonna try that. Don't want the HULK out.

Bonus : Chris Evans ver.

"Babe you know it's unhealthy to do tic tok tight?" Chris asked when you set up your phone.

"Just this once." You replied and slightly pushed him away.

His smile dropped when the opening music started, he stared at you.

"No, you're not doing this."

"Yep I am." You teased.

"You are not -"

And you raised your hip to the camera. Chris groaned and grabbed you, threw you on to bed, with his butt facing the camera.

"Oh yeah look at that AMERICA ASS!!!!" You shouted to the camera and was quickly silenced by Chris's lips crushing to yours.

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