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"Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, then for close friends and then for money."


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"Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together." Cherry smirked closing her eyes just when the curtain dropped.

"Maybe put on some more clothes too?" mumbled suho annoyed.

"You know half of your auditions only comes here because I'm half naked" chuckled cherry moving towards dressing room.

The dressing room I was used to are alot different then ones I'm now. In one dressing room of club, everyone is always rushing half naked sometimes full, no one really mind. After being a stripper the feeling of shyness disappears nothing feels awkward anymore. It was safe to say everyone knows most intimate parts of each other body- maybe because having private shows with other strippers. But outside club they know nothing about each other life. Only few of us like seulji and joy were close, no one truly trusts each other.

Dressing rooms of theater was also use for changing but whole another aura surrounds it. It was not full of girls dressing with most inappropriate clothes drinking, smoking, eyeing each other with jealousy who's getting most private shows. Making sure their drink is not drugged.

Here it was all big family. Theater is like home, we all know much about people here, who are married what their kids name are, even who have crushes, who's kid got caught stealing a cookie, who's is not interested any sports. It's all these little chatter which it keep it alive. Staff take cares of each other, like we're related and we are.

We are related by passion.

I felt different, truly. I was never tried, no matter how many hours we practice. I still regret not completing studies because of my job in past. But my real education began on pole, I learned alot of real life lessons.

Beyond the smoke filled rooms, neon light and peering eyes, I learnt alot about humans.

Human is a social animal, but let's focus on it's last word first human is a animal Aristotle says. We all have deepest desires, certain things that we think everyone would judge if we let it out? There's no denying everyone have those, some of us are just more honest about it.

Now on the statement humans are social animal. But does really society accept everyone. No, never, there are individual which society absolutely says as outcasters, non achievers, failures and many other things. Even though if they don't say they ignore you but because of any of your trait or job or simply you being you, you get judged. The thing to think about is people comes in strip club, girls dances, runs 400$ tab. Same people come again, same girl dances, again 400$. Repeat this 200 days a year. They exchange money for companion ship. Of course there are hoes to come to fuck but most of people are just lonely and it sucks.

Secondly money, word sounds catchy right? Money are easy come easy go, we need it more then we can earn most of times. Where else you can go without any skill, any knowledge, any degree and earn hundred's maybe thousands of dollars? But the glory ends when even that much money you earn ends, then what you do? You go back to club. It's a cycle of fast earning fast spending. They don't think their time is valuable. I learned it was, I can do much better things with it. I can't compare it to the money I got in club but I'm living well with my income now.

Girls believed in club, they are worthy if they are beautiful. I went though phase where I dyed my hair, wear contacts, tight flashy clothes always ready for eyecandy just to look good. But you eventually realise you aren't that pretty when someone rejects you or you got replaced from spotlight. I learned to find something else inside me that I can love that made me me.

I also learn true intimacy is something inside you. Once you realized it, you don't need to rock off stripper or porn. Because sex is a deeply intimate and beautiful thing. It shouldn't be bought or sell.

And last but most beautiful thing I learn that love wheather it's from friends, co-workers, someone you ride a bus with, the little kid playing in conner of street, old woman working in her old restaurant is just simply love. It doesn't have to be only between a man and a woman so if you love, your book, your bed it's still love. And with love, life is much more beautiful and meaningful.

"So fried chicken?" mumbled kyungsoo after a successful show.

"I want bear too" I grin towards him.

"The only thing to want is a smack so you can put your own clothes back on and we can leave and eat" glared kyungsoo turning towards phone dial again.

"Don't tell me what to do unless your naked " mused cherry playfully rubbing her naked knee with him to further annoy him.

"Am I the only one feeling uncomfortable" kai asked sehun who shrugged.

"I'm rather feeling trigger. I need to find a girlfriend" mumbled lay getting up calling suho as dear and chuckling on his dumbfounded expressions.

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