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It has been a few days since I saw Hawkfrost and so I was heading over there to see him.

When I got to the place we met I saw that he wasn't here and so I waited. After a few minutes, I heard noises and that made me turn my head and I saw that it was him.

"Hey Hawkfrost"

"Hey Ashfur," Hawkfrost says as he sits next to me "I haven't seen you in a few days"

"Yeah sorry, I've been busy"

"It's alright, but it would be nice to see you more, I get lonely sometimes being on my own," Hawkfrost says.

"Don't you have family somewhere?" I ask.

"I do, but my sister Mothwing lives in RiverClan and I had a brother named Tadpole, but he died when he was kit," Hawkfrost says.

"O am sorry to hear that"

"That's ok," Hawkfrost says.

"If you don't mind me asking" he looks at me "why are you in ThunderClan territory and not at home?"

"Well the thing is" he stops "I can't"


"Because if I do you'll judge me too just like the rest of RiverClan did," Hawkfrost says.

"I swear to StarClan that I will not judge you for whatever it is"

"Well" he stops again "ok" he then takes a deep breath "I like males instead of females," Hawkfrost says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Well from being a rogue I have traveled to the two-legged territory," Hawkfrost says and I gasp.

"Why would you go there, that territory is very dangerous," I said with worry.

"Can I finish now?" Hawkfrost asks. I nod "thank you, anyway like a said I like males and from what I learned from the two-legged they call it gay," Hawkfrost says.

"I see" I then think for a second "I have never heard of a male liking another male before"

"You think I'm a freak to don't you?" Hawkfrost asks.

"No" he looks at me surprised "I promised StarClan that I wouldn't judge you and I'm keeping that promise"

"You don't think I'm a freak or something after telling you this" Hawkfrost says.

"No I don't and plus I don't judge my friends on who they are," I said and he gasps "what"

"Yo-you consider me a friend" Hawkfrost says being surprised.

"Of course and besides, you're like the only one I can talk to without feeling hurt about what she did"

"I've never had a friend before and your the first cat that has not considered me a freak," Hawkfrost says.

After that, we just hung out and laughed about random stuff and just had a good time.

When it started getting dark we went our separate ways.

"Ashfur" I turn my head and it was Hawkfrost.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I just wanted to say thank you for understanding for what I am," Hawkfrost says.

"You're welcome"

What surprised me after that was the Hawkfrost licked my cheek and then left and that made me heat up in my cheeks.

"Am I weird that I liked it," I said in my head.

After that, I went back to the Clan and ate some prey and then I went to sleep.


After I left Ashfur I went to get me something to eat. As I ate I thought about what I did and it felt right.

Maybe Ashfur could be my mate, if only he liked me more then a friend. But being his friend is good enough for now.

When I got to my den I went to sleep.



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