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When I wake up I could see and I saw that I was in a den and alone and then I stand up and walk out and saw a lot of cats doing their own thing.

"There's my love" I then turn my head and see that it's Hawkfrost "how are you feeling?"

"There's my love" I then turn my head and see that it's Hawkfrost "how are you feeling?"

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"I still feel a little sore from all the mating we have had and that wished worked I can see"

"I'm happy for you Ashy," Hawkfrost says and then licks my cheek "I'm sorry I was so rough with our mating, I don't like easy, I like rough"

"I understand, but next time be a little easier"

He then gets closer "I'll try" he then kisses me "I'm glad your here"

"Me too" my stomach then growls.

"I guess your hungry hu," Hawkfrost says and I nod "I'll go get you something, you just go rest a little bit more"

"Ok" he then smiles and kisses me again and leaves and I go back into the den.

After a few minutes, Hawkfrost returns with some pray and I eat and he sits and watches me while his tail moves back and forth.

"So how does it feel to be a leader of a Clan?" I ask while I ate.

"It can be hard sometimes, but most of the time it's pretty easy," Hawkfrost says.

"Has there been any trouble here?"

"Nope, it's peaceful here and there are no fights, except for training," Hawkfrost says.

"And what about the pray here?"

"There's enough pray for generations to have," Hawkfrost says.

"Wow" he then gets closer to me and wraps his tail around "you seem to like being close don't you"

He then chuckles "well after not seeing you for a long time, I don't think I'll ever let you leave my side" he then rubs his body on my mine "and besides, we have stuff to do"

"And what's that?"

"You having my kits," Hawkfrost says.

I then chuckle "Hawkfrost have you forgotten that I'm a male and I can't get pregnant"

"Not yet, but you will," Hawkfrost says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Remember the Clawstone I told you about?" I nod "that Clawstone can grant any wish and if you want, you can ask it to make you able to get pregnant"

I then gasp "so all I have to do is wish it and it will grant it"

"Yep," Hawkfrost says.

"I see"

"What is it Ashy?" Hawkfrost asks.

"I do understand, but I'm not ready for that step yet"

"And that's fine" I then look at him "I'm not going to force you to do something your not ready for and besides we have plenty of time to have kits together," Hawkfrost says.

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