Error's new servent

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Error's pov

    After I took Inky to her room,she seemed happy with how colorful it is.
   "Thank you m'lord!" She cried very pleased. I took this opportunity to fulfill one of my many wishes to do with her. I kissed her.
she seemed so flustered! I left her to explore her room,and went to join the others. "Dude....why did you hire Ink as the maid?" Killer asked me. "I thought you were going to have her make a person with her paintbrush." "You moron! Ink now can't protect the AUs!" Dust yelled.  "She's under our control!" "That's right." I replied. "I never thought that Ink would ever WORK for us." Nightmare replied. "But she's powerful. This should be fun!"

                     Time skip
  I looked at Inky as she slept. She's so precious~ "wake up my darling~"
She shot awake and looked at me terrified. I gave her a flirty smirk and wave. "WERE YOU WATCHING ME?" "What if I was?" " YOU CREEP!" "Now now Inky. You have work to do" I said pulling her out of bed and handing her a feather duster. "*Sigh* yes m'lord" "good girl" I said as I spanked her. Hard. She looked at me shocked and quickly walked out of the room. After breakfast,she walked out into one of the many large corridors the castle has. I followed her. She began to dust the shelves and paintings in the halls. Inks very short so for almost everything, she had to stand on her toes. I walked over and lifted up her skirt. She didn't seem to notice until I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom. "M-m'lord?" "Ahhhhh" I said pressing my finger to her lips. "Let's have some fun~" "WHAT?"

      Warning! Next chapter contains sin!

Female Ink x ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now