the Antidote

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Ink pov

I woke up the next morning and looked beside me to see Error. "Meow" I said pressing my paw on his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. "Morning Kitty~"
he said scratching my ears. For some reason it felt really good. I started purring. He laughed.
"C'mon honey. Let's get you something to eat." He picked me up and carried me downstairs. He placed a small bowl filled with milk in front of me. "Meow!" I told him. "Alright sweetie. I'm going to see if I can find an antidote" he said, stroking my fur. I slowly drank the milk out of the bowl as he left.

Error pov

I walked to Classic Alpyhs's lab, to see if there was some sort of potion that could turn Ink back to her normal self. I knocked on the door and Alpyhs answered it. "O-oh! E-Error!" "Sup Alph." "What b-brings you h-here?" "I need some help." "O-OH! W-well come in!" I stepped inside and looked around.
"So what do you n-need?" "Ink turned into a cat, and I need an antidote."
"Oh! O-OK!" She ran into another room and came out with a small vile of liquid. "G-give this to her at t-tonight and she should b-be back to n-normal." "Thanks" I said handing her 5g. I teleported back home,to see Ink asleep on the couch, purring happily. "Inky~~" "meow?" She said looking up at me. I showed her the potion and she pounced on me, licking my nose....hole... (Excuse me?).

~~~time skip brought to you by puppies~~~

Error pov

It was about 8:00 and I decided it was time to give Ink the potion. She was asleep on my lap, occasionally licking my hand as I pet her.
"Ink wake up" I wispered.
She slowly sat up and looked at me. I popped the cork of the vile and helped her drink it. She shivered.
"Does it taste bad?" She nodded, trying not to throw up.
She yawned and looked at me. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a small fish. I turned around to see Ink looking, at me her tail twitching. I tossed her the fish and she caught it midair! "Cool trick Inky!"
She didn't hear me. She was to busy tearing all the meat of the fish's bones. I popped some instant noodles in the microwave for myself and waited. When me and Ink were done eating,I took her upstairs to bed.

~~~time skip~~~

Error pov

I woke up and immediately looked beside me. Ink was there,back to herself. But then I realized something. Her clothes didn't shrink with her...there my fiance lay... COMPLETELY NAKED.
I blushed as her echo body slowly sommoned. She slowly opened her eyes. She raised a hand in front of her  face and smiled. "Ruru?" She asked. I grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss, squeezing her tits. We broke the kiss and she looked at me. "Your back!" I smiled. "Yup. Now let's have some fun~" "as you wish my kinky Inky~"

Female Ink x ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now