Just Got With It (Feedback)

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1) What did you think the book was about?

Just Go With It is a story about Megan. It follows her and her new crush, Noah. Megan isn't feeling her current boyfriend, but she is digging Noah. It's a story that tells how these two get together. At least that's what I got from reading the first five chapters.

2) Did you feel that the book fulfilled your expectations?

I didn't have many expectations for this story. But I didn't expect it to start in the way it did. I expected a heated chase or game of cat and mouse. I didn't expect Megan to already be sort what of an expert at flirting.

3) What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?

I felt that I had to force myself to read Just Go With It. It started off in a very common way a high school story would. The plot doesn't get exciting until after chapter 4 when the two main characters actually have a face to face flirty conversation (I'm not counting their mini conversation in the three chapter.

4) Do the characters seem real and believable? (Basically, can you relate to their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know, if they do at all?)

I can't say I relate Megan because I wasn't the party type, but I can say she is sort of a believable character. I do find it slightly unbelievable that she suppressed her wild self when with her boyfriend. If the author had of shown she did some of the same stuff she used to back in high school I could have accepted it. She basically waits until her boyfriend is gone on a golf trip to get wild. To me, I'll say she would still be a wildish person when her boyfriend is present.

5) How was the pacing of the chapters you read?

The pacing was ok to me. It read nicely. I just didn't like some aspects of the story. Nevertheless, it has a lot of potential.

6) How was the description of the chapters you read?

The main issue with this story is that it tells a lot instead of showing the scenes in the first few chapters.

7) Describe what you liked or disliked about the writer's style? (Why?)

I like that the flow was easy to read through. Like reading through was easy with the word choice the author chooses. I disliked the beginning chapter. It started with an alarm going off instead of when she first bumped into Noah.

8) Would you read more of the author's work?

The writer's strongest: I think you did pretty good with the details. I understood everything perfectly.

The writer's weakest writing trait: I don't think you gave enough sensual descriptions as the story heavily relates on sensual descriptions.

Help request: I thought your summary was on point. It was fine to me.

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