•For my dad• (pt.2)

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These next stories will be about death, family, depression and more. If you are sensitive to any of these things please don't read this


Present-day: November 16th

"Hello?" A man says "hey Jae it's us BTS? We need to ask you something."Namjoon says "Ya, sure but please make it quick I need to be here for my mom," he says pretty fast "ok, so Sun has been acting really... how do I say this" Namjoon struggled "depressed?" He finished his sentence "y-ya, is there something we need to know?" Namjoon asked "uh~, ok so, when I was 14, Nari 16 and Sun-shi was 9 our dad sadly passed away due to brain cancer, and today is his birthday, so Sun might be spending the day doing things her and Dad used to do together," he says pretty sadly. "Oh my goodness, she hasn't told us about that" Jin says kinda shocked "she doesn't like talking about it, but it might be that or she is on her lady days, you know, that time on the month," he says "what time?" The maknae's ask "talk about it later, how do we know that it's about her dad?" Yoongi buts in. "did she not shower?" he asked "nope" we answered "is she still in her pj's?", "yup", "is she or was she watching the news?", "yes", "ok lastly did she look inside the locket of her necklace?" "Yes, she did," Jungkook says "then yes it's because of our dad, don't ask her what's wrong also don't try and break her routine for the day, ok?", "Got it, thank you Jae" we thank him "anytime, ok I gotta go now, call me if she starts to cry, very important, ok?", "you bet ya" we reply, we say our goodbyes and hung up, they felt bad but also kinda annoyed that you didn't tell them, but they didn't let that show since they know that your father passed away.


Present day: 1:25pm

Sun's POV:

My eyes have been stinging the whole day. I feel like I can't do it any longer, I want to cry, but deep down my dads saying is running through my mind. "Stay strong," I say again and again under my breath. All of a sudden, a tear falls. I can't take it, I already failed. I started balling my eyes out, sobs are coming out. I can't see, I can't see anything. So many tears were in my eyes, that I couldn't see anymore. I try to look for my phone to call Jae Oppa, to stay with me so things won't get out of control. I can't find my phone. "Shit" I cursed in a whisper "I left it on the couch," I say, I can't just go out likes this. I decided to stay in my room and cry, sob, be alone.

Taehyungs POV:

I wanted to head downstairs to get some snacks but as I pass Sun's room I hear sobs. "Oh god," I whispered. I rushed down the stairs to where the rest of the band were. "Guys!" I say not too loud "what's wrong?" Hoseok says "she's crying," I say. Yoongi was the first to act. He was calling Jae hyung as the rest of us started to get really worried.

Yoongi's POV:

"Hello?" Jae's voice says "Jae..?" I say worriedly. "Yes? What's wrong?" He reply's "she's crying," I say. It was dead silent on the other side of the phone for a few seconds. "Text me your address, Now!" He says sternly but not aggressively. He hangs up the phone and I quickly text our address.


Present day: 1:46pm

Jae's POV:

"Please Sun, don't do anything harmful" I keep saying in my car. I'm trying to reach their dorms as quick as I could. I finally got to their place and quickly ran to the back of my car and took it out.

Namjoon's POV:

I hear heavy knocks on the door, I quickly rush to the door to open it. "She's in her room," I said straight away "what is that?" I asked him "this is BunBun," he says as he holds up the stuffed animal for a few seconds.

Sun's POV:

"What's the point on living," I say to myself in between sobs. Why do I have to suffer? I've suffered for so long, I just want it to end. I was still sobbing till I hear a few faint knocks on my door. "Go Away!" I said almost yelling "it's me... Jae-Jae" the voice said. "Jae?!" I say "ya I'm here," he says calmly, I stood up and held the lock of my door when I thought, what if he will only be here for a few minutes. "Sunshine please come out and let me see you," He says kind of worried "but you're only going to be with me for a few minutes" "I will stay the night, but only if I can see you first," he says more worried. I didn't respond. "Please, it's been a year since I've seen you, I'm here for you, please!" He says really concerned now. I wasn't listening to him anymore. I look around my room and saw a glass coke bottle. I walked up to it.

Jae's POV:

"Sun, please! PLEASE!" I say very worriedly now. "She's not responding," I say under my breath but loud enough for the boys to hear it "what is that supposed to mean?" Jimin says "she mi-. Before I could even finish my sentence we hear a loud *SMASH* I know exactly what was going on now "where are the keys for the rooms?"


Hello, again this has sensitive topics in it so if you got really effected please don't read on, just for your own good. Anyways sorry for the short chapter. Sorry for any errors I'm going to fix them later and please leave some comments of some ideas because I'm out at the moment. Well I hope you liked it even though it was kinda sad or dramatic but ya thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Word Count: 920

Edited: 27th Aug 2020

𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐍 - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now