•what a fansign•

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The band headed to a fansign where they all got ready. 

(please ignore this monstrosity of an outfit)
Plus the glasses

(please ignore this monstrosity of an outfit)Plus the glasses

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After getting dressed, hair and makeup done, the band got ready to head up to the stage and got their mics

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After getting dressed, hair and makeup done, the band got ready to head up to the stage and got their mics. The band walks up and the crowd cheers. A smile was plastered across her face as she waved to the crowd. "Hello?" Sun said, testing her mic out. "HELLO!" The fans yelled back with excitement. 

"Wow!" Sun exclaimed in shock. A few minutes passed and the band sat down behind the table. Sun was seated between Taehyung and Jungkook. 

Fans haven't started coming up yet, so Sun and the boys decided to keep them entertained. "Army!" Jungkook yelled into the mic "Yes!" They said back. 

"Oh- Sun!" He said looking at her "did ARMY leave?" He said playfully. Sun quickly caught on to what Jungkook was trying to play.

"Really?" Sun played along. "I think so, I called for them but I heard nothing, so quiet," He said. "Well, I didn't hear anything either." She said teasingly. The fans whined at their game. 

"I'll try ok?" She said while turning to face the crowd. "Army?" She called into the mic. "Yes!!" They yelled again. 

"Sun where is the Army?" Taehyung joins in. "I don't know, I just tried calling them" Sun explains to him. "You try," She said to V.

"Army-ah?"Taehyung also gives a go. "YES!" They yelled once more. "Still nothing," Tae pouts. The crowd and the other members were giggling at the silly game they were playing.

"I know! How about we yell at the same time?" Sun suggests. Jungkook and Taehyung nodded in agreement. "Ok.. 1, 2, 3," "ARMY!?" the three of them yelled at once. "YES!" The fans shouted. "Oh, there they are," Jungkook says waving at them. Sun and Taehyung following suit, waved at them too. The crowd was giggling at their silliness.

Later on, the fans started coming up. It was all going great until a fan skip Sun. The fan looked back at her with a discussed look. This tick Sun off a little but she shook it off. 

The nice fans cheered her back up again but then the same fan that skipped her also skipped Jimin and made the same face to him. Sun looked at Jimin who looked saddened but also had a 'what the fuck just happened' face. They both looked at each other and giggled it off. 

Sun's mood was a little bit sad now, but again the nice ARMY's made her smile again. Now it's been a while since the incident and Sun and Jimin forgot about it. The fan she just talked to already moved on and she didn't have a fan in front of her, so she looked at the fan who was up next. She was smiling and looked so happy as she held hands with Jungkook. also note that she was a blushing mess.

"Miss you need to move on," the staff told her. They waved bid goodbye with each other and she moved on. When she looked at Sun's face, her smile was gone and made an 'Oh? This Bitch' face.

"Hi what's your nam-." Before Sun could finish her sentence, the fan cut her off. 

"Listen here you little bitch, just sign the damn album. Also, why are you in this group, you're not even good enough for the boys. Another thing is no one likes you, like me! They're only here to meet the boys. And lastly. Stay. AWAY. From. Jungkook Oppa!" She yelled. Sun's mic picked up the whole rant. 

Sun took a deep sigh before leaning forward to get into the fans face. "well, now it's your turn to listen," Sun's voice was no longer happy and cheery. "I'm not signing your album," Sun's mic also picking this up.

 "WHAT! You can't skip signing my albu-." Sun cuts this "fan" off. "Hold up, I'm not finished. I'm in this group for a reason and if you think I'm not good enough then come back to me when you're number one on the charts." Sun teased her.

"bu-." She gets cut off again. "You really don't know how to wait don't you? I don't care if some fans don't like but what I do mind is when they offended my hard work and dedication and also when they have YOUR attitude." Sun emphasises 'your' in her sentence.

 "Are you kiddi-." She gets cut off for one last time. "for the love of God let me finish!" Sun growled irritated. "Lastly, you said I stole Jungkook from you ... very funny. number one bless your delusional soul. number two, is your name on him?" Sun says checking Jungkook for her name. 

"And number three, I don't think you can call him 'oppa'. Miss girl, you look three times his age," Sun fires towards her. "I'M NINETEEN!" the girl yelled. "Yeah, nineteen years expired," Sun said.

The "fan" groaned annoyed. "just remember this missy, you don't know who you're messing with. You're just jealous I was in you're 'boyfriends' room last night," Sun smirked as she back up back into her chair. 

Sun finally finished and the boys were shocked. the whole place was silent. The boys never saw her act like this towards a fan. Then, the crowd started clapping and cheering for you. The girl storms off and left her album on the table in front of Sun. 

"hey wait!" Sun yelled out for her. The girl angrily stopped and whipped her head around towards Sun. "While you're on your way out, put this in the bin while you're at it. It's worth nothing if it's yours," everyone was going like "OOOHHH" and "BURNN" and all the above. 

The crowd's chants die down and the meet and greet went on. Suddenly a fan yelled out a question for Sun. "Sun, what do you mean you were in Jungkook's room last night?" She asked. The fans eyes went wide and shot their gaze towards Sun.

Sun chuckled before grabbing the mic. "He's my roommate." 


Hello there again, my finger still hurts. Im actually writing this while I'm waiting in the doctors. Turns out I just needed to wrap it today, they showed me how to wrap it with the popsicle stick on my finger to keep it straight. Anyways. Thanks for reading this. Please comment Yes or No if I should just make a chapter with call backs sun has said to haters. Idk but ya thanks for reading and I'll see you very shortly
- Author T

𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐍 - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now