•on the ice•

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status: edited

Part 1

Min Sun

The band decided to go to the skating rink to have a break from all the work you guys did. We walked inside and headed over to the desk to pay. "Hello there," the woman says.

"Hi we're here just to skate," I said.

"ok, how many?" The woman asked.

"Eight people," I replied. The lady typed a few things on her computer before speaking.

"Ok, So just walk inside and you'll see a place to get your skates," the woman explained.

I was about to walk through the doors behind the boys when someone calls out her name. I turned around to see where it came from to see it was the lady at the desk. "It's a pleasure to meet you and the band," she said. 'Does she know who I am?' I thought to myself.

I walked in to see the boys already getting their skates. I was the last to get my skates out of all of them. "May I please have figure skates?" (idk if there is a difference) I asked also giving my shoe size.

The worker came back with my skates and carried them to the bench the boys were at.

No one knew I did figure skating when I was younger because of the accident. I still remember it visibly since of my scar. 

The boys finished putting on their skates which left me to be the last one still putting on my skates. I pretend to have trouble putting on her skates. "You need help noona?" Jungkook asked.

"Ya, I'll just ask the lady and please don't call me noona, I'm only about a month older than you" I giggled. He's adorable. I assured the boys to head off to the rink and started skating. I called the lady over to make it look like I called her for help.

"Hey miss, you need help?" The lady says walking up to me.

"No I got this," I said, lacing up my skates.

"Then why did you call me?" The worker asked confused.

"Just to make it look like I need your help," I said kind of embarrassed. We both chuckled at the silliness of the situation.

The worker crouched down, making it look like she's lacing up my skates. "Ok then I'll just do a little bit of your laces to make it look like I did something," the woman laughs.

As she was finishing the rest of the laces she asked, "why are you lying? I know you're Min Sun, the national champion from the age 5-12," the woman said tying up one skate. I looked at her with shock.

"h-how?" I was dumbfounded.

"Your smile," she simply stated. 'My smile?' I thought. What does my smile have to do with my skating?

"Plus, we skated together," she yet again simply stated. 'Wait, no wonder I had this feeling I knew you' I thought in my head. Come on Sun think, think!

Ah ha!

"Wait are you Kim Yota?" I asked the worker. She looked up at me with a familiar smile.

"Yup, that's me" she confirmed. I knew it! Good job Sun.

"Well all done," Yota said tapping my skates twice.

"Thanks Yota, it was nice seeing you again," I stood up and headed to the rink. We both have each other a smile before she headed back to work.


Authors Note

Hello! I hope you liked this, I'm currently writing this author note in 2021 and I think i wrote this chapter in 2019? But yeah it was a while ago and I'm sorry if it's still a bit cringe. anyways thanks for reading <3

𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐍 - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now