•For my dad• (pt.3)

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These next stories will be about death, family, depression and more. If you are sensitive to any of these things please don't read this

Jungkooks POV
My hands were worriedly trembling while I reached for the keys. I quickly pass the keys to Jae and watched him.

Sun's POV
"I cant do it!" I yelled "I want to see him! I wanna see him so bad!" I say sobbing. Holding the shattered glass bottle in one hand and my locket in the other. "What's the point! I'm gonna die one day!" I yelled. WHY CANT I JUST CHOOSE! It shouldn't be that hard to choose between life or death... right?

Jae's POV
I grab the keys off Jungkook and started unlocking the door but kept missing from my hands shaking. Then I heard "I can't do it!" I was even more worried. She screamed more then finally got it open. I toss the keys back at Jungkook and twist the door handle.

Sun's POV
I did it. I can't believe I did this. It feels like I did nothing, the only pain I could feel was the pain from my heart. I heard someone rush in. I look up and saw two figures. I couldn't hear anything, it was all muffled. One of them started tapping me and saying something, I didn't know what was happening besides that I'm loosing blood, that I'm dying slowly but faster than everybody else.

Jae's POV
I walk into the room in shock, "Jungkook come in with me" I called Jungkook in because I knew they were close. "Holy shit" he said while walking in. There she was. Crying, bleeding and just depressed. I started to tap her shoulder and said her name over and over again. I knew she couldn't hear us or see us. She would of called out my name the second I walked in.

Jungkooks POV
I hear Jae call out my name and I quickly rush in "holy shit" I said, Jae started to talk to her and I quickly asked Yoongi to come in with the first aid kit. I rushed to sun. "Sun noona please listen to me, your in safe hands now, we need you, please" I started to tear up, I really didn't want her to go. "Jungkook call an ambulance" Jae told me, I pulled out my phone right away and dialed the emergency number.

Sun's POV
Next minute I woke up somewhere besides my
Room. I rub my eyes trying to get rid of some blurriness. I looked over to my side and see Jae sleeping, Lisa on a call, jungkook sleeping next to yoongi as he also snoozed and the rest were also asleep. "Ahem?!" I fake cough. "Sun!" Lisa says ending the call and came rushing to you. "The Fuck Happened! I got worried sick!" She says gently hugging me, I just giggle at her funny actions. "We're here!"we here a female voice. I see the handle turn and it was..

I'm sorry if this was short, it's currently late at night and I have school tomorrow so that's great. Anyways, I hope you like this mini scenario series thingy. Idk please send some ideas because my stoopid peanut brain can't think of anymore ideas. Kk! thanks for reading and I'll se you very soon.

𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐍 - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now