August imagine #1

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Attention viewer / reader , if you are reading any of this in the prensent day please don't comment on my spelling or weird parts of the book I WROTE IT years ago when I was 12 . Enjoy xoxo

Your POV

I'm sitting in social studies it's last period on Friday and I swear to God I'm bout to pop out my seat !!

Mrs.jackson- Y/N can you read the last paragraph for us

Tbh I had no clue where we were then the bell rang !!! Yesss I was the first one out the door

Mrs. Jackson - I want that 5 page essay by Wednesday class have a good weekend

I ran over to August's locker slipped the note in and hid behind a wall and waited for him to read it he waked up to his locker put the combination in

August- huh what's this ?

August starts reading

Dear august ,

You probably wondering who put this in ur locker well I did ur BFF Y/N . I have to tell u something that I've been dying to say . I have a crush on u . I've had one for a long time just every time I'd try to tell u I would get interrupted . Your probably thinking what y would my BFF like me . Well I do so yea u could tell me if u don't like me or if u do . Bye

Love ,

Y/n 💕

He smiled at the note and then I smiled . And then his friend Chresanto was coming so he balled it up and shoved it Ito his pocket and started walking with Chresanto. My smile then turned into a frown as I walked out the school doors and sat on the curb waiting for my sister to pick me up and I felt a tap on my shoulder

August- hey I read ur note

Me- yea u didn't have to ball it up u coulda just said no

August - I balled it up cause Chres was coming and I didn't want him to take it and read it or tell anyone but my answer is yea

Me- o we'll sorry I put the note in ur locker I'll leave u alo-WAIT U SAI YEA

August- *sexy laugh* yea

Me- *blushing*

August - aww that's so cute I made u blush

Me- shut up

August so uh *going through his lil curls* u wanna go out


August- *sexy laugh* we'll now I can do this

He kissed me and I kissed back and then my damn sister pulled up at the wrong time but she didn't pay any attention to me she was yelling at my nephew  Devon in the backseat .

Me- we'll I gotta go bye babe

August- bye beautiful *one more peck *

Me- stop making me blush before I kick ur ass

August - *laughs* bye 😘

Me- bye 😘

I get in the car and my lil nephew (Devon 10) starts asking questions

Devon- yo auntie who's that guy u was  kissing

Me- ur new uncle *smiling*

August Alsina imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now