Chapter 27

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Acting out of character, Angel took a few days to mull over what Felipe had said and his options instead of charging right in to confront Adelita. He couldn't, and wouldn't, bring it to Carrie and his trust in EZ was currently at an all time low. So making a bad decision, Angel went by himself.

When he arrived, with no warning, he was greeted by Adelita and Pablo with large automatic weapons. He raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm not here for that," he said. "I just wanna talk."

"Our business is done," Adelita said. "There's nothing to talk about."

"If our business is done why are you showing up at my pop's place? Why are you messing with my family?"

Adelita seemed put out and surprised that Felipe had told Angel. She assumed he wouldn't, to keep his own secrets hidden, but she was very clearly wrong.

"I thought your father and I had unfinished business," she said coolly. "I was wrong."

"You used him to find me. Then got close to me to get to him?"

"Is that what your father said?" She asked Angel, the guns now lowered, as she moved slowly toward him.

"I can figure shit out, Luisa," he spat. "It doesn't all need to be spelled out."

Hearing her real name sent Adelita into a panic although she was able to cover it well. Her grip on the gun tightened but she kept it aimed at the ground.

"Your father has just as many secrets," she told him. "I would be more concerned with those than anyone else's. There's no reason for you to be here." Adelita raised her gun again. "Go."

Angel was about to speak but he clamped his mouth shut and made his way back to the truck instead. She was right, he said his piece and he was time to go. His pumping adrenaline and blinding fury made it nearly impossible to focus as he drove but slowly her words about his father crept into the forefront of his brain.

"Pop's got secrets," he chuckled incredulously. "There's no fucking way."

The ridiculousness of the idea grew as he trudged through the tunnels until he climbed up out of the ground on the other side. As he walked out of the building toward his bike, covered in dirt and dust, he saw Lincoln Potter waiting for him.

"What the fuck is this?" Angel snapped.

"I have a favor to ask of you," Potter said in a sing song voice. "You scratch my back, I scratch yours."

"I'm not doing shit for you," Angel spat. "Why don't you ask your little fucking pet."

Potter smiled. "I see there's still some tension between you and young Ezekiel."

"Get out of my way," Angel said ominously. "I killed one fed, I can kill another."

"That's what I like to hear," Potter clapped. "The confidence! The will to do what you have to! You'll need that."

"For what?" Angel's face twisted up in disgust as he looked at Potter, the man who continued to do whatever he could to damage and separate Angel's family.

"I need knowledge, intimate knowledge, and I firmly believe you are the only one who could get it for me." Potter explained. "The federal government's deal with Galindo is in place, dotted, crossed and sealed, but there are concerns, whispers if you will."

"Whispers of what?" Angel asked, learning more than he knew about Galindo's current predicament.

Potter continued. "Miguel working with the rebels, working against us, which was not part of our negotiations."

"I don't know shit about Galindo or his deal with you assholes," Angel spat.

"But you could learn things, you could learn them easily," Potter reminded him. "And if I get what I need I won't have to nail you, baby brother and your cousin's widow to the wall."

Angel's expression fell. "You don't have shit on Carrie. You don't have shit on any of us."

Potter smirked. "I don't know exactly which one of you killed Agent Jimenez, despite your boasting, but that doesn't matter. We could easily get you and Johnny Cruz on first degree murder, capital murder," he spoke so casually it was disturbing. "You both would undoubtedly get the needle for the senseless killing of a federal agent, a good man with a growing family and pretty blonde wife. You know how the media loves a grieving white woman, what do they call it, grief porn?

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Angel snapped.

"I digress," he chuckled. "Once you and Mr. Cruz are convicted, and sentenced to death, we will prosecute your poor, sweet baby brother. I'm sure we can get Ezekiel for lying to federal agents, tampering with a crime scene, impeding an investigation, at minimum."

Angel glared at Potter but didn't speak.

"Oh, you need more to help convince you?" Potter asked. "Carrie lied to investigators, she helped cover up the facts of the murder of a federal agent, aided and abetted multiple criminals. I can't promise that the prenatal care she'll receive in prison will be the best but I can promise that whoever adopts your children, since both of you will be in federal prison, will be properly vetted."

Closing his eyes, Angel felt the urge to cry as he stood there, powerless and utterly alone. "What do you need to know?"

"Who Galindo is working with, I need a name," Potter said. "Someone unknown, underground, and what his plans are. If he thinks he can double cross us he'll have to learn the hard way."

"I'll see what I can figure out," Angel told him. "But you leave my family alone. This shit with Coco and EZ is done and you stay away from Carrie."

Potter smirked. "As long as you do what I ask I'll leave you to your happily ever after. I'll be in touch, Angel." Potter turned and began to walk away before glancing back and asking Angel a simple, yet somewhat intimate question. "How far along is she now?"

"Almost thirty weeks," Angel grumbled.

"Exciting," Potter said with an unsettling smile, before starting walk again, "Very very exciting."

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