The stranger

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        Unknown P.O.V

Mphoentle was lost in her thoughts she walked passed the college's parking lot in long and fast steps when she heard a car come to a fast stop causing the tyres to scratch the concrete,she looked up to see a big red car and the driver rolled down the window and hissed almost like a frustrated growl at her.

His eyes were a gold brown colour,you could mistake them for gold but she was too irritated and nervous  because of how he reacted that she didn't even take time to admire them.After the panic had passed she continued to walk upstairs to her room,she changed out of her hoodie,sweats and her converse she just discarded everything on the floor,she had boxes parked to be moved today.

She had to get going one thing she hated most was being late and having people stare at her  she took one last look at herself in the full length mirror and smiled and thought how at that moment she looked like her mother,the woman she never met but always saw on pictures and heard amazing stories about.

Her way to the graduation hall was short her class was being lined up when she queued along after being  signalled by her professor ,Art class of 2017 she was proud to be part of such capable dancers,she thought how proud her family would be if they were around mostly her father Even though dancing was her mother's passion her father wished nothing but for his daughter to follow her heart and pursue what made her happy...He was fond of education and the idea of a secure career but he had one child all that he was,belonged to her it made no sense to deny her anything.

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