Nothing but the truth

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           Sthembiso's P.O.V

I walked into to the tv room the tv was on but I couldn't see anyone from where I was standing I moved closer,There she was fast asleep I looked at her more than I should have,I saw the one who would bring out all the love in me,looking at her I feared alot about my future the turmoil and havoc but I knew she was worth it all ,Enough to bring down nations for, I walked over to her ,I debated with myself if I should let her sleep in the couch or carry her to my room,I knew my sister won't be sleeping in her room tonight it would be inconsiderate of me to put a guest in her room without her knowing, Our guestrooms were too far to let someone who doesn't know the house sleep alone,maybe that wasn't  true but I didn't wanna let her out of my sight for the night or ever.

I carried her to my room my bed was big enough,for tonight I trusted myself not to give in to my desires to devour her,she leaned her head into my neck I placed a soft kiss on her forehead she smiled at me without opening her eyes,I was walking so slow that her sleep doesn't get interrupted I was about to set her down on the bed when the weirdest thing happened she opened her eyes just enough for me to notice the colour of her eyes has changed,they were now dark red I thought I was going crazy, I should be going crazy from all that has happened today, She closed them too quick for me to confirm whether I was heading to the Looney bin or not,I went to take off her shoes she opened them again that's when I froze... in a whisper i actually spoke to myself "see I'm not crazy"  I was hopping up and and down pointing  at her now I was stupid, I knew she was different but something was definitely bizarre about her,I got into bed Lord knows I was replying my emails while keeping my eyes on her I decided against replying them all tonight after all I was not even concentrating.

I was too drained and this girl next to me was pulling me to places I never thought existed I was feeling things unfamiliar,she started tossing and turning ,It got worse and with great force,she slowly stopped and I closed my eyes letting sleep take over,it felt like I closed my eyes for only  a minute when she kicked and threw her hands out with all her might that sure ad hell had a grown man like me jumping off the bed before opening my eyes I checked the clock and it was only 4:30am I was not ready to wake up ,I wanted to go back to sleep but she turned again I reached for her and wake her from this horrid dream she's  stuck in ,I placed my hand on her shoulder she looked up at me

"he's here "

Her breathing was enraged  as though she had been holding her breath, she slowly stopped her heavy breathing and she was resting calm all over again.

After that I tried sleeping but her eyes and words kept playing in my head,I glanced over the clock it was 6:40am I have been up since, trying to make sense of what she said I wanted to wake her and have her explain what she was talking about but she needed the rest or maybe I just feared the answers.

I opened my eyes a figure was standing next to my bedroom window opening the curtain letting the unwelcome light in,I growled but it did nothing to the man he didn't look shaken by my attempts.

"Hello Naphew"the man spoke I rubbed my eyes

"He's here" The words came back to mind Uncle Muzi is my father's twin brother,growing up the family would warn us not to be like him,He was never bothered by anything,he was the black sheep of the family,he did everything with pride he would have been a successful man if he did the right things with pride but he was always in trouble with every member of the council and family if it's not too much drinking it was just him being too much,his actions were always intended to get him a reputation but he's main target had been my father,When I became of age I asked father if uncle  Muzi was dangerous but he stood proud and said
"Muzi is my twin every good quality in me is in him he just needs attention "

"Mmmh Sthe my brother and your mother are not yet cold but you already behave as King,I could never be led by a generation that know nothing about our customs and culture"

He said this and boy I was already standing to my feet making sure I didn't want to miss the look in his eyes ,Now the events of this morning were clearly making me believe it was not just a nightmare that got Mphoentle all jumpy.

"Uncle what are you doing here?"

"How dare you address me with a girl in your bed?"He spit back

"If you were not in my bedroom I'd show you some respect"I fired back

"I came to see my brother's affairs that includes this room it's my brother's house after all" He said this with a smirk on his face,I knew he was pushing me  I couldn't help but wish to end his misarable life this instant,father could put up with him but I couldn't.

I moved to stand infornt of him but just then Mphoentle held on to my hand,suddenly I felt calm the rage I had felt a minute ago was moving off my body,I felt it if it had colour I would have seen it,I moved with ease and passed my Uncle who now had a grin on his face,putting my hands on him I would loose my chance to be King and knew he that,He was pushing on that,I closed the curtain,

"You wanna talk?I'll find you in father's office just let me change"i said facing him and towering him

"No!I'm not leaving we can walk there together I don't want to be accused of taking things that don't belong to me" He stated

His tone set me off again,I took a step towards him
"you walst in here like you own the place unannounced and now you are in my bedroom speaking down to me your future king?how dar.."
Before I could finish my words Mphoentle had jumped of the bed and was  now standing between us ,her eyes were a glowing charcoal black I was now intrigued by this girl more than my pest of an uncle.

She turned to my uncle and extended her hand "Hello my name is Mphoentle Dube" their hands linked and eyes met her eyes were now mixing black and red ,the colours playing  in her orbs,I watched as my uncle shook from head to toe,he looked as though he was fighting to stand but Mphoentle on the other hand had an evil smile on her face,she slowly fell back and I caught her in time,I looked to my uncle for help but he had ran out like the coward he is.I no paid no mind to my uncle's sudden act of cowardness and focus on the woman I loved honestly I wanted to get some answers from her,I placed her on the bed reached for my phone before I could make a call she opened her now Emerald green eyes.

"Hey"she said
I looked at her I didn't know what to say,"I'll be back let me change please"thats all I came up with,out everything I have seen her do the best I could say was "I need to change,really?" I'm no fool but this girl is no ordinary person

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