Friendship is good as love

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            Amandla's P.O.V

I tried hard to avoid all the stares and since Mphoentle suggested we go out to eat I didn't wanna ruin this for her after all I would be going home tomorrow,people will look at me in pity,Sthe will  be there but for him it will be a day he becomes a hero a saviour of the community and I the young girl who lost her parents,I'd be a princess with no mother to guide her I wanted to cowl up in a ball and cry my eyes out but I did enough of that last night, I didn't need sympathy anymore,my parents were dead and with that I would also have to marry soon not sooner as my brother but it would have to be done,"are you okay?"mphoentle's voice came across the table
"Yes I'm just thinking"
"Alot,I guess going home and well,being  without my parents I'd have to be married off to some King to be in some clan who won't even understand my ambitions"

"Can't Sthe stop that?"

"He can for a valid reason yes!!!,like that I'm still young but it's never enough"

"I think we can figure something out,after all they won't marry you off to the first guy who  comes along"

" Sthe is lucky to have you Mphoentle you know that?i wish we could spend more time together "
"Oh darling I promise you this is a good start"

"Mphoentle can I ask you something?"

"Yeah shoot"

"In school people always spoke about you and I just wanted to know,is it true?"

"Hahaha well I am an orphan if it's the correct term for a person my age but yes,I didn't kill my mother that's a promise and my father was killed at work and my grandma was just old I guess"

"So how did all these stories start?"

"Amandla different is scary to most people and if they don't understand it they label it,you know that right?"

"Yeah sorry,I mean should have known better" I sipped on my coffee feeling stupid
We said our goodbyes and we drove our separate ways I was feeling better now.


"Uncle Muzi the driver will take you home ,so you can rest for tomorrow I'll be with you shortly"

"No,let him drive you I'll use one of the company cars,you shouldn't be seen alone people will Think you are happy about the situation "

his hands was waving in the air widely
I looked at him wondering what he's playing at but I saw nothing

"okay I'll take the driver,I'll call the house so they can start packing for Amandla and i"

"Ok nephew "there's that smirk again I brushed it off I don't feel like worrying about him,I got in the car and soon as the car pulled out he waved at me, now i was certain he was up to something.I wanted to speak to Mphoentle about it,we drove through the city ,it looked too busy today people going about their day we came to the robot and it was red,I hear my name being called I knew the voice but it was not possible so I ignored it but then it came again, I asked the driver to turn off the radio the voice was now inside the car "Sthembiso"a man's voice called out "Dad?" I said low enough for the driver not to hear " Yes son it's me don't speak just listen"
I nodded with hope he can see me since I can't see me
"A threat is coming that girl is the only person  that can help us "

This conversation was not what I'd want to have with my dead father in a million years I have alot to ask I can't even say a thing to him

"don't be discouraged my son all will be well, if anyone is to blame is me my boy i underestimated my opponent and he got me good but not you,you have a character stronger than mine,look to your left do you see that?"

another nod "go in and you will find all the answers"the voice faded away "father King Mazwi?" I called as hard as I could in my head with hope he could answer,he had left me with another mystery when the robot turned green I asked the driver to pull over,I walked in the jellewery store I looked around to see nothing that interested me soon as I turned to walk out an ice like breeze touched the outside of my hand pulling me toward a display glass the sensation was now turning to pain before I could pull away my hand flew to the glass ,Okay I don't know if its Mphoentle or my life is taking a weird turn and what was I doing in a jewellery store?Our family had their own rings passed from  generations ,The glass was big with a red velvet carpet and a very beautiful ring I have ever seen it was silver,big with a ernomous black diamond and small clear ones surrounding it,It was breath taking I could see it on Mphoentle's finger and it was made for her...

The sales person walked across to me "Captivating isn't it?"
"Excuse me?"
"The ring I mean"
"Yes "
"unfortunately it's not for sale"
I looked at her name card"well Julia anything in this world everything in this world is for sale with a fair price you could also be sold"
she looked at me like I said I wanted to buy her
"So how much would you sell me for?"
"What no I was defending the ring I mean you are priceless"
"How about you get me your manager"i stated
I looked at her with all the friendliness gone from my face
"Excuse me Sir I'll go check if he can see you" she cleared her throat as I nodded

Few seconds later the manager peeked through the blinds of his office our eyes met and the now blushing Julia came out of the office
"Mr Dabula the manager requests you step into the office"oh that was the explanation for sudden change in mood,my name did wonders to women...what can I say

Walked to into the office but not before I caught a glimpse of Julia checking me out she turned away soon as she saw I was looking at her and I think she was instructed to clear the store because I saw her escort a couple out and close the door behind her,I closed the office door,the manager was already standing a white man in his late 40s well dressed for a manager with a clean face and neat haircut soon as I approached he's desk he extended he's hand I shook it with a firm grip,
"Please take a  seat" I looked down at the chair and pulled it out I sat down
"Thank you"
"My name is Brain, Julia tells me you are interested in purchasing the heart of Africa"

"My name is ..."
He cut in "I know you who you are Mr Dabula the heart of Africa is one of our most precious collection and it's price is set and not open for negotiation"

"Since you know who I am then ,you must know money is not a problem and me purchasing a ring here would make a name for your store"
I could see a smile forming on he's face the lines on he's face were creased up I guess he was trained not to show emotions but I read him well
,"The ring is R3 000 000 for insurance reasons also"

"Money is no factor here Brain "I said with a smirk
"Ofcouse Mr Dabula I'll get the paper work ready,how would you like to pay?a card is mostly welcome "
I pulled out a card from my jacket and picked up the phone

"Julia please bring me the contract ...yes ...okay" he hanged up
"Can you please tell me about the origin of the ring,it must be a tale for it to be so priced"

It seemed like I asked him what he enjoyed telling

"The Ring was Originally made in Nigeria,it's believed the man who found the diamond didn't know it's value at the time and sold it to a traveller,the traveller was a Zulu King who made a the ring for his wife and she lost it by the time it was found the King's wife had passed and he wanted notjing to do with  and my father bought it from him"
"Interesting"i said amused

"Yes it was given to me and how it's yours,maybe it's searching for its home" he let out a chuckle
The door opened and he fixed he's tie,Julia gave him the papers and a big box  I instantly made a transfer,after I signed the papers she took them and Brain thanked her,I didn't hear her reply I'm guessing she must have passed a gesture behind me "do you have your own security or should I call mine?"
"No you can call yours"he picked up the phone again
"Jerry escort"
Two man walked in as I shook their hands and one of them lifted the box and we walked out together the other opened the door looking from side to side,I opened the back of the car,my father always had a safe ready in all the cars  and i placed the box ,Jerry opened the car and I got in they stood outside till the car was no longer in their territory I was feeling joyful ,I couldn't wait to see her.

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