Her arrival

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Mphoentle's P.O.V

One of the guards spoke as Sthe the fainting king was being carried inside"That's all for today well continue tomorrow the horn  won't be sounded if you are interest in this matter please be here in the morning, 6am would be convenient for us all "I was ushered inside and given a room to sleep in it was big and well decorated ,Amandla walked in as the Maids walked out,grinning from ear to ear"Woman I thought I'll never see you again "she said
" come on! Crazy we have a studio to run do you think I'd let you have all the fun alone"i said hugging her
"Well you gave me a scare that's for sure"she said as she held me at arms length to examine me
We laughed as we made our way to the bed ,we talked for about 30 minutes she asked about her parents and what I did to her uncle after explaining everything i couldn't take it anymore "Amandla do you mind if I nap I'm too tired and miss a comfy bed,being kidnapped sure did some damage to my body "
"Sure thing see you later okay?"
"Cool" she pulled me in a hug again
By the time I opened my eyes it was 5am in the morning I slept throughout the night I got up took a quick shower I noticed change of clothes on a chair next to the door, I changed and walked outside people were already gathering ,Muzi was now in chains along with Bongiwe and Mamhlongo before anyone could  say anything Mamhlongo stepped forward "my King in this bottle is an antidote it will undo all that was done to you please take this as redemption for me and my family" sthe looked at the bottle with brown liquid in it "Why should we trust you?"a man asked from the crowd "Drink it Sthe " I finally spoke he looked at me then down to Bongiwe who was on her knees unable to stand as she was chained with Muzi in one chain, Bongiwe nooded he opened the bottle and drank, the medicine was strong in just seconds he was on his knees clutching he's stomach growling in pain, it took him a while to get back to his feet a lot was clear to him now, except the people in front of him," Me" who was suppose to be dead, Bongiwe in chains on the floor his uncle who looked like a man about to die "what's going on here?" he asked enraged, the event from my suppose death were now freshly explained to him, "The evidence is clear we don't need a council to speak on this we believe our king and queen can decide on a fit punishment for their uncle"the council leader said
The crowd stated screaming their thoughts" HANG HIM, IMPRISON HIM FOR LIFE, NEVER ALLOW HIM TO SEE LIGHT, GIVE HIM TO US" the crowd was having no mercy "our queen was mostly wronged ,now let's allow her to decide" Sthe finally spoke, the crowd went silent and bowed "our queen" They said in unison "people of Dabula tribe ,my people,killing Muzi makes us just like him and what about his family,Bongiwe and her unborn child?Banishment will also hurt innocent people but it's better than death,do you agree?"
"YES MY QUEEN "the crowd shouted
"His family and Bongiwe will stay here if they want but Muzi must leave and never return the police in the city will be informed of this and once Muzi leaves our territory he will be their problem not ours anymore along with Jabu the driver who helped him, The throne will be stripped from his bloodline with or without an heir from our King "The crowd applauded the council leader spoke "our queen is wise and her word is final the guards will escort Muzi out with nothing but his clothes out of here"...I stepped close to Muzi holding his face making sure he looked at me I whispered to him "I know you will return and that will be a perfect time to kill you with all your allies coming for my children"

he looked at me searching my eyes he had no idea what I was talking about yet

Sthembiso's P.O.V

It was difficult to comprehend all that had happened, I cant believe how naive I have been and put Mphoentle in danger in the process ,I wanted to feel guilty I knew it was all my fault ,but instead shame covered me for days ,I couldn't leave my room I locked myself in ,I couldn't face anyone ,address my people look at my wife we were in separate rooms I was punishing myself but I knew I wasn't being fair to her and my uncle I wanted to hate him for stealing from me ,before all this I was pure a virgin never touched a woman except a few kisses, Saving myself for nothing until I met Mphoentle then the wait made sense but now... now I had failed her a tear left my eye ,she knew I wasn't true to our marriage so does the community who would respect me now?I knew I couldn't hide  forever this is something I needed to face head-on ,like a man a true king ,I walked out of my room the palace hallways were empty, I stood in front of Mphoentle's door I wanted to knock but shame and fear took over I pushed the door gently ,There she was the woman I owed my all to,she had headsets on and she was dancing gracefully I couldn't help but love her more with everything that had happened she was dancing with no care in the world,she turned to catch me looking at her,she removed her headsets "Good evening my King"she bowed her head ,how can she make all this so simple I wronged her,"Good evening my Queen"
"It's nice to see you out of your room."she said
"Its nice being out I needed the fresh air"I said scratching the back of my head
"Come in"she said I closed the door behind me.

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