Evil can be family

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Muzi's P.O.V

We walked downstairs with my failed plans in my hands,I was enraged that little good for nothing girl will not ruin my plans, does she know how much I secrifised for my chance at the throne,Murders !!!bloody Murders watching a man bleed and turn cold from a grip of my hand,witchcraft,fraud,manipulation and acting like a fool so no one would take me serious for decades putting up with being the joker of the family so they wouldn't take anything I do as a threat it took everything for all this to be ruined by this Barolong girl,she won't be the reason I fail I'm Muzi not a fool not a clown

I can't try killing her with those changing eyes she would know, I can't get close without her knowing she could kill me in my attempts to kill her,I could take her to North West but I would never make it out alive either,their loyalty is too strong they would turn on me right after accepting my gift,I have to handle her myself,I watched as Sthe kissed her forehead and said their pitiful goodbyes,he wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to her

He left her in my brother's house ,this bastard!!! He could have called her instead of gossiping like school girls.

ME? ...

Disrespect is what I dish out not received
He's crowning was 2 weeks away,a month to find a wife to present to the royal council after all ...this girl might not make it for that show ,I stepped outside welcoming the evil growing in my heart my veins showing off my black blood my plan was sinking in all I needed was time to do all this and it starts TODAY...

Sthembiso's P.O.V

The drive to the office was pleasant Uncle Muzi was silent too quiet if you ask me but I didn't care for now silence was too amazing to question

The reporters were already here hovering around the place like vultures,my driver decided to avoid them and drive into the parking lot and not dropping me off at the door as we always did,we got out of the car into the parking lot elevator soon as I stepped into my office with my new found enemy walking toe to toe with me my assistant followed ,she gave me my speech I went into the office bathroom and took a shower and changed into my suit,I smiled when I saw father's suit in there I needed to remember to pack it home so it can go to kwazulu-natal where he's clothes would be burned.

My phone rang I stepped out of the bathroom looking at it,the screen flicked on and off "unknown number" I wanted to ignore it but it could be anyone so I answered it "hello"
"Hi Sthe it's Mphoentle"
"Hey babe is everything okay"
"Yes Amandla and I decided to go out for breakfast"

"That's nice of you to be there for her I'll see you guys once I'm done here"i got no reply "babe?"i was worried but I waited since I could hear her on the other end

"Sthe I'm gonna head home after I drop Amandla off "i felt pain in my chest but I didn't wanna sound needy"okay send me the address I'll come over after this press conference and maybe we can do something together before I leave for Kwazulu-natal "

" il send it just now bye your sister is giving me a nasty look"
A text came in
"FOSSEL STREET COMPLEX 3 MIDRAND" I couldn't help but grin like a child going on their first school trip.

"Is it from that girl?"oh my!!!somebody call the exterminator he's still here
"You know you will fall from this stupid love how do you kill and love?"Am I really related to this man
"What do you mean Uncle?"he would speak he's mind without me asking why not amuse him? I know it's silly but I enjoy his poor remarks
"That girl is no good ,her clan can kill a nation and crush kings my boy!!!"he looked serious he's voice had more intentions .he was not the fool my father took light anymore I tried ignoring him I read the clock on the wall

"Uncle Muzi we need to go now before reporters kill us themselves" I laughed harder than I intended

We stepped in the boardroom journalists from every publication and TV reporters were seated I gave my speech and took a few questions,but I had nothing to report besides the fact that my parents were indeed dead and I would be taking over his affairs and my role as CEO would be put on hold for 3months for the mourning period which will take place in Kwazulu-natal I felt sadness cover me as I explained all this,I knew this day would come with my father willingly stepping down not upon his death,Uncle Muzi placed his hand on my back for a second I forgot about how cruel he was I was numb towards him for now.

I concluded my speech"the shareholders will inform you when they have appointed a temporary CEO thank you ladies and gentlemen " i looked at my uncle "we can go now"' who turnef to to face me while walking away

"You know I can stand in as CEO till you return it's not safe to let strangers come here and act like they own mazwi's life work who else is better than his own twin?"

"Uncle Muzi you can't be in two places at once,you were father's right hand man you have to be in Kwazulu-natal to teach Sipho your duties"

"So I served your father now you want my son to serve you,only because your father was born 2 minutes before me?huh? Answer me dammit!!! Bloody two minutes? "

"And if I don't produce an heir the throne will come to your bloodline right uncle?"

he went quiet he was thinking hard,had his earlier comfort been for the cameras I wondered.
He finally spoke
"Tomorrow we have to be in KZN to assist with the funeral arrangements,the elders decided against a week's wait we usually do after all we are only burying ashes"he spat he's words like venom,this man has taken all he's stunts he used on my father to me how cheap, it's gonna take a miracle for him to play me like he payed father.

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