Loss and grief

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               Amandla's P.O.V

I had a dance studio since I was 19 years old it was not making any money,At first it was a place for me and my friends to play around and for me to practice,but my parents gave me a deadline a year after graduation I had to turn the place around and make a living for myself or they would rent out the space and I would have to work under my brother,I was a dancer unlike Sthe I had no business bone in me,yesterday I scheduled a meeting with Mphoentle since I heard she was not working yet and she had moved to Midrand,I couldn't help but wonder how she was paying for her place,everyone knew she was at college on student loans .

I needed a business partner to help with the everyday running of the business and attracting customers,but for now she could work for me as a choreographer and when POWR started making money she could buy her way in, I was a big dreamer.

Mphoentle walked in wearing a loose biggy shirt and sneakers, everyday office wear for a dancer
"Hey"she said

"Hi...how are you doing?"

She extended her hand but I was too excited I pulled her in a hug her body got tighter and stiff but I didn't let go ,she tried to move I finally let go ,She looked around in so much awe I was impressed how she took the place in,my studio was a masterpiece a big silver chandelier,mirrors surrounding the place,wooden floor to give the room a natural feel,a glass door with water passing between it making sounds like a stream,my mom was a good if not the best interior designer in the country.

I ushered Mphoentle to her seat "This place is magical"she said

"Thank you look this place is beautiful inside but the books are close to not existing"i said

"Oh!rough patch?"she asked

"Not really for years it catered  just for fun times and now I want it to be my bread and butter,I have all the time to work here now"I told her honestly

"True,so why am I here?"she asked

"I'm the only choreographer and sole owner of this place..."I paused

"I need both but you can start by being a the second choreographer,you are very good and I so.... so need you ..."before I could finish she cut in

"How much?"

I couldn't help the expression on my face "your buy in would have to be R250 000"I said the amount with caution studying her face,just like that she said

"Draw up the paper work I'll go over them and I'll get back to you"She said with the biggest grin on her face

I was now shocked more than ever my mouth was hanging close to the floor,I thought she must have a "blesser"it was what most young girls did for a quick financial stability,dating old men to feed their lifestyles before I could say a word,the door bust open I knew it was Sthe he always came in through the office door,he looked horrible ,his clothes creased up,his eyes were filled with with pain,he moved slow towards us,he had his eyes fixed anywhere but at us.

He said my name"Amandla..
"his voice was hoarse

"Sthe what's wrong?" I asked unable to hide the worry in my voice

"I'm sorry"he said like a little child seeking comfort

I noticed as he fell to his knees,Mphoentle ran to my brother as I stood frozen,i had never seen him like this ever,his reaction had made me paralyzed,He was always the one in our family without emotions.

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