Chapter 14 - Nightmares

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I'm in a park, it's a very peaceful park, I sit on a bench and watch the world go by around me. Not in a bad way, it's very calming actually. Out of the corner of my eye I see something black coming twords me.

I look over and there is a stream of black creaping my direction. I stand up on the bench and watch the darkness seep into the grass underneath me. When I look up I see Roman standing there, but it's not Roman.

His skin is a green gray, and his eyes are glitching between a Jet Black to his normal eyes, but they dont have any life in them. He is smiling like a psychopath and looks as if he just killed someone and was looking for his next victim.

There are people behind him, I can see my m-mom and dad, Mark, J-Jack, Thomas and...........P-P-Patton-n. But they dont look right either, they all have bright Red X's over their eyes. They look over at me and I can feel the hate radiating off of them.

Roman is the first to say anything.

"Look at you...... just a pathetic peace of trash, you really thought I loved you? Almost makes me laugh, WHO would EVER love someone like.....YOU" I look at him and see how serious he looks. He hates me. How could I have been so stupid. I really am pathetic arent I. Patton steps forward and begins talking.

"I knew you would fall for this stupid trick, you fall for EVeRythIng. Maybe if you werent so retarded your parents wouldn't have beat you up, or kicked you out, MAYBE your bullies wouldnt have needed to bully you. They werent being mean. They where trying to correct a MisTakE. I NEVER was your friend, and I never will be. I just pitied you, but now I realize what they where doing." I start crying as everyone yells horrible things at me.

They are all screaming different things, some telling my to kill myself, others that I'm unloved, the list goes on and on, useless, worthless, waste of space, waste of air, trash, pathetic, stupid, ugly, fat, ect ect ect.


I curl in on myself and cover my ears trying to block out the screaming. I rock  back and forth trying to comfort myself in anyway possible. I'm shaking uncontrollably, tears are streaming down my face. I just want to scream. To rip my heart out, I just want to be released from this painful horrible world. Then the yelling stops, I can hear a faint scream in the distance but I get distracted by a voice. Roman's voice.

I look up and I'm in darkness. But my name is echoing through the walls.

"virgil.....virgil......Virgil......VIRGIL.....VIRGIL......VIRGIL." The voice gets louder, as if it's getting closer, I look up and see light. I'm being lifted into it and suddenly Roman is in front of me. The screaming stops as I realized it was me. I take in another look of Roman, and it's really him.

I leap at him and pull him into a hug that he gladly expects. As I remember what was happening in my dream I start crying, I remember he doesnt love me. But that was the other him, maybe this one does.

You FOOL. Why are you doing this to us. STOP IT. HE HATES YOU. You should leave he never really loved you he ne-

"Hey, what's wrong. Please tell me what's going on in the beautiful noggin of yours." I look up and see Him, and I'm safe. It doesn't matter if he loves me or not because holy FUCK I love him.

I lean in and kiss him passionately with tears still rolling down my face. I pull away

"I love you so much Roman."

"I love you too, but would you please tell me what's going on."

"I will tell you, but not right now. I need to show you something."


"Let's Go."


Did you LIKE IT?!XD Next chapter will be within the next 2 weeks. I'm not putting a date on it, so your welcome. Also I'm kinda thinking about a.........face revel. Would you guys want that??? Idk, I'm still not sure on my views about that.....but lemme know if its something you would want. Anyways, hope you had/have a great day and keep on being a fucking BOSS



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