Catching Up

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Hi this is the update for today ^^ sorry for the shortness ;-;...


                      ¥ Catching Up ¥


Yuri was with Jack in an a motel room they where still unconcious and sleeping....

#2 Hours Later#

Yuri woke up to something warm hugging her she imagined it was Kai and cuddled up agains him but then she remembered what had happened and opened her eyes it was Jack ofcourse and she just smiled a bit and thought "I finally found you nii...." and they he woke up kissed her on the forehead "im gonna go take a shower ill be right back...." he yawned,got up, and headed towards the shower room leaving her to wonder "does he do that all the time?.....does he have a family?!" and she hust layed there unable to move yet untill her brother got out she keept on sleeping.

"Hey umm we need to talk right? because you where looking for me..."he said "y-yea right...." she replied and they sat across from eachother at a little table in their room then they started to introduce their self's to maybe get a bit confortable, then Yuri told him everything that had happened before she found him exept for her boy trouble she had not told him that yet, after she was done he told her his story...He had been left alone when he was only 7 and he didnt know what to do he had lost his parents and his sister and was left completly alone and she couldnt bare it because she knew what he felt when she was left alone and said "sorry that you had to stay with me after....well the accident and he just shrugged it of and said "it was no problem at all really but I ended up losing you to..." then after him and his sister separated an evil vamp clan found him and offered him shelter he didnt know he was doing wrong until one day he saw a blong girl probably younger than him beat a demon that he had created trying to save a wolf who all of a sudden turned into a wolf thats when he decided to leave and he had been a lone for all of that time thats when he saw her weird expression and asked "what's wrong nee?" she told him that the girl he saw was actualy her and that she saved that wolf boy but now she was alone because of him and Kristal...when she said the name Kristal he flinched and said "you dont mean that Kristal do you?" and she just nodded he looked a bit pissed off and said "should I kill him for hurting you sis? or wiuld you like to help me get rid of Kristal and all she did was stare at him while he had an evil face and a dark aura around him she just smiled and said "lets get some food first im starving" and his expression changed to an exited one "alright im in!" he replied "he looks more like the little brother than older brother hahaha" and thet where off to the cafe that they had in the next building over and they laughed and hoked around untill they where done eating and where ready to leave "c'mon I wanna show you my favorite part of town" Jack said to Yuri with a smirk and she said "ok sure" and they where off....


well that was all for this chapter sorry it was so crappy I have been writing it in school so Im not really focussed :/ gomen mina ;-; im sorry im such a fail

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