Here We Are Again

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Omg so I am updating you guys to what Jack did to his poor sister that she freaked out so much but he shut her up didnt he? ^^


                  ¥ Here We Are Again ¥


"before I even did anything I was already feeling hot ....."  I leaned in and..... "her lips are soft but she is tence ....she is gonna reject me >~< 'of course she is you are her sister after all baka!' another inside voice of mine replied and then I felt her relax.......she .....she didnt reject me.....!"



I was talking out of control because I was nervous and then he.....he..... 0///////0 kissed me....but he is my brother how can I?..."his lips are warm and soft agains mine...."  I ended up relaxing and holding him for a moment but before the whole haze took over I snaped out of it and shoved him away panting like crazy me and him stared at our flustered faces and I just walked ahead of him "....Yuri hold on I just..." was all I heard before running away with tears on my face "I put up wall's to keep from love and to stop hurting but ..." I keept running non stop and then I noticed where I was heading I kinda got a panic attack and turned around to run but then I bumped into some one and before I fell he caught me....he? ....I look up and I see Kai looking down at me and he looked tired and he was the one I was trying to avoid so he would not see me crying not again....Im older and I should be stronger now not weaker... "Kai...." was what I thought I had said but I only keept it in and pulled him in towards me and as soon as our lips collided it sent a rush of happyness in me and I felt all of his emotions mixing up with mine then he breathed out and pulled away just far enought to wisper "you can let it all out with me ....I want to feel like you do again....lets mix together at least for now..." In the deep low voice I had never heard before full of dessire and passion I just nodded and pulled him in and our feeling got mixed together he read my feelings and new them like the back of his hand and me and him pulled away to catch out breaths and then I heard him....flying looking for me... "c'mon we are not safe here he is comming and if he see's me with you he will kill you..." I said while I grabed his hand then I felt a tug and he pulled me in for a short kiss then out fingers interwined and I pulled him to safety with me. "He kissed you and thats why you are running away?!" he said in an urgent and exasperated wisper, "yes and I don't know why he ever did that but I just ran away and then bumped into you...."I cut off "but you did want to kiss me right? "he asked me with a hopefull tone to his voice and in his eyes there was also hope but dessire (A/N while reading this part think about or listen to Halo by Beyoncé) I kissed him slow and long when I pulled away "was that a yes?" he asked and I smiled and nodded he smiled back and kissed me then I tolf him I had to go home and that ill see him later some other time he nodded at me and I called my wings to get to Jack's place...

#At Jacks Place#

he was sleeping better for me...I cant have him going on and kisaing me againg so Ill leave in the morning and Ill leave him a note "I am leaving I cant stay here any longer and trouble you Ill be fine and thank you for everything you did for me, and dont ever kiss me again got it?"


Im done for tonight hope you enjoy sorry for the weird to many kissing part hehe but im just in the right mood ^^

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