My Only Option

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Hi sorry again but I promise ive been trying to get to finish this thing but here is another chapie! :)


                ¥ My Only Option ¥


I woke up totaly lost "hmm..... how long have I been asleep?" I said out loud "about 2 days and this is the 3rd night..." my sleepy brothers voice said."I've been out for 2 days.....I wonder what has been going on out side...." I got out of bed and went to take a shower ".....I need to go buy ne clothes..." I got a shirt from my brothers closet and some basketball shorts...."hmm I dont look so bad after all ^^" then I headed out I was at the rail and looked up to the sky ".......Its beautiful......." I said the sky is dark blue with a bunch of stars showing and shining with beauty plus it was a cool night so she just jumped up to the roof and relaxed for a while then she went to the edge of the roof again and she jumped....



I was walking through the streets and then I saw her and started to run I ran like hell so she would not notice me but then I decided to blend in with the crowd and she past right by me "Hmmm I swear I saw him go this way maybe he went to an alley what a dirty boy" she said and headed for the alleys *sigh* I got away from her now I just need to be more carefull.... I look up at the star and see a girl falling I have no idea of who it is but my wolf sences come and push me to just jump and catch that girl no matter what, as soon as I get close enough I see who it is and try to reach out for her but then she see's me "PURPLE WINGS ASSEMBLE!" she shouts and as im about to grab her she bounces right up to the sky and as I stare at her I notice she has wings to fly and she was not gonna fall and die...."SHE HAS WINGS!"  I thought with a big portion of shock. She noticed it and gave me a smirk then I started to fall and I was just looking at her and she just keept on smirking untill she saw something I was guessing it was bad by her expression so I tried to turn to look and Kristal had made thorns grom from the streets and they where pionting at me she smiled with tears spilling down her face and as I was about to get my self killed by them I was pulled up and Kristal looked pissed I turn to see over my shoulder and there she is holding me tight and not letting go untill we where a bit saffer.



I saw him before he even got to touch me "PURPLE WINGS ASSEMBLE!" I shouted and I bounced right up "purple means strength and aguility...." I thought and whe he stared at me with a surprised face I flashed him a smirk then as he fell I saw Kristal sgart to grow spikes beneath him "why would she kill some one she loves?!" and I didnt even have time to process I just lunged my self down and got him just in time I hugged him from behing in an awkard way and just pulled him up and away untill I felt we where safe but I never let him go "I guess this is my true feeling I can't let go of him no matter what we go through but we will allways end up together......allways" I kinda smiled at the thought and then we arrived at the cemetary....."couldn't we have gone some where more pleasant?" he asked "I saved you so I take you where I wanna take you okay?" I said and then " can let go now....I mean we are safe and all...." "CRAP! I forgot I was still hugging him! but I can't seem to let go..."  I let him go and backed away "sorry I didn't mean to....!"  he was hugging her and wispering a bunch of sorry's in her ear and he was also crying she was shoked but then joined him in his embrace and crying after a moment like that I smiled and said "sorry but I have to go now....he is here for me" and it was true nii was here and it was time to go home.



She just saved me and got me away from that stalker...."she tried to kill me....because I tried to save Yuri....."  I have to protect Yuri no matter the cost because I love her and dont want her to get hurt.....I will have to kill Kristal its my only option......


Ne mina sofry for taking long but Im having to do a project (I have to read 3 books in 4 weeks) I cant do it if I dont like the books but what ever ^^ uum hope you enjoyed this chapter and well hey thanks for all the views cx dont forget to comment and vote if you like! ;P well ja ne!^^

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