You Will Never Cry

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hi every one! I'm back how are you guys?!! I'm all good over here and well im here to update ya in ma story hope you all enjoy reading my storry and well lets get to it! ^^


             ¥ You Will Never Cry ¥


I'm walking with Yuri in my arms and covered in her blood im looking for a river but so far I have not had any luck untill I heard water rushing I walked to the sound, and instead found something worse than Yuri's brother... a demon.



I felt its precens from 5 miles away I guess Kai was to bussy trying to carry me and find what was it again? "I've been feeling dizzy thanks to the major blood loss but ill be fine in a couple of hours"  or so I thought untill I felt him speed up I tried to say careful, there is a demon and then thats when I felt it hit me strong and all at once the demon was right in front of us and I could only feel its precense... damn it now what... Kai set me down but I knew better he was about to fight the second rank demon the second to most powerful demon right after our parents and us so all I could try to do was save him from the demon "hello there mr.demon if you would not mind could I get some of that water and some fish this guy has been trying and gather food for when I awake... so if you would just be so kind to..." "NO! JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE LITTLE GIRL!" I was surpriced, for him to talk to me like that "I AM YURI THE PRINCES OF THE VAMPIRES/NIGHT/DEMONS WHAT EVER YOU WISH TO CALL ME AND MY FATHER WAS KING RODIRICK AS YOU MAY WELL KNOW HE PASSED AWAY AND NOW I'M THE QUEEN! I TRIED TO BE NICE BUT NOW ITS AN ORDER LET US GET SUPLIES FROM THIS RIVER!" I screamed at him with my head but even in my head my voice turned powerful when I raised my voice. Thats when I heard Kai say "huh?" in confusion and then he came to pick me up and we crossed the river thats when I passed out again.



She did something I know it was her because I dont smell anyone around here so it has to be her. "my love I swear you will never cry...not as long as I live" I thought real quick when I had hef back im my arms thats when the scent hit me. It smelled like Yuri but the blood smelled fresh and it was not what I was expecting. "Damn what is that?" I thought and then I heard some wisperes "Is that our Kai?" "no I dont think so,our Kai was ugly and this guy is hot! Besides we dont even know this guys name..." "yea you're right well...wait what is he holding? he smells like blood... he smells like Yuri!" one of them screamed Yuri's name and came out from behid the bushed and turned red I smelled anger right away and thats when Yuri opened her eyes and bearly managed to say "jump up then the...(cough cough)the...left and stay there" with a low raspy voice I did as she said and when I was up there I relized that the other girl could not jump up and then I jumped left, where I found my self in a tree,like actually in it and then we where both sliding down I felt her hand squeez my shirt and then we where out of there and I was on my feet running when I felt I was far enough I started to slow down "hmm *picture of the girl who came out of the bush comes into mind* she kind of looks like a younger version of Yuri....but she had red hair...." then all of a sudden I felt a bite on my neck and I felt Yuri being taken away from me "noo....wait!" I tried to scream but it came out as a forced wisper instead then everything went black.



I woke up and felt really cozy so I cuddled up against who sver was laying with me and the it hit me I jumped out of bed then a sharp pain went through my body and it literaly made me cringe and fall to the floor then I looked up to see him trying to pull me up....who is him? I dont know but he sure is cute...when enough of the pain went away I looked at him and said "who are you and where am I? where the hell is Kai?" a bit rougher than meant but it seemed as if he understood so I let it go "I dont know who Kai is but Rachel and Yami brought you here so you could recover besides don't you remember me?" he said with a sideways smirk "ugh quit being so cute >~< " ..."no as a matter of fact I dont remember you who are you and why are you in here?" I asked still in his arms and then he hugged me and said "hey babe I thought I'd lost you for good when they took you away to that how I missed you" but then he relized that I was tense and semed as if I didnt know him so his expression changed to a kind of sad one and it made my chest hurt..."sorry but umm I....don't remember anything about you or who Rachel and Yami must be people from my past right?" silence "mmm yea not past but wd where part of your family and younger life untill you went to the control house because you where powerful enough and well I was suposed to go with you but they sent me somewhere diferent" "hmm I see so he is my boyfriend? from when I was 14...tbats when they took me away...." "kyaa!!! MY HEAD!!!" "yu-YURI! " everithing went black...then I saw the light a blue light and I was with two girls they where all over me crying and then I heard my self "Its ok I'm sure I'll be back and we will see eachother again kay?" I said "I just hope they dont make me forget you guys" and then I saw him come in... tears where in my eyes already and spilling down my face "Jordan I-I dont want to leave them I dont want to leave you I Love You With All My Heart never forget that" I said and then pressed my lips agains his and then he was screamming I felt big hands arkund my waist and some on my stomach pulling me away and they where pulling him away by the arms and shirt and we wouldnt stop fighting untill they started to beat him I flinched and screamed harder but they said they would stop if I quit fighting so I stoped and so did they then they took me away..."YURI!!" *shake shake* "YURI PLEASE WAKE UP!"*shakes a bit harder this time* I start to wake up and become more concious then he smiles through his tears and I didnt thin about it I guess it was a habbit I moved up and kind off pulled him down to meet my lips amd then as I kissed him a bunch of memories of him and me came into my head...


So sorry it took so long my 3 chapters I was working on got deletes and ugh I had to start them all over again but I didnt forget bout you guys. I HOPE YOU CAN ALL FORGIVE ME!!! >~<

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