chapter six

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i won't judge you
or criticize you
for doing what you've done

i only wish you saw
what i see when i look at you
i only wish you wished for more
than what you've settled for
||r.h sin||

I LEAD LUKE to my room before shutting the door. "Sorry it's kind of messy." There was only a few sweaters hanging on the back of my chair and homework scattered all over my floor. It has only been a few weeks and I was already getting frustrated with math and english.

"Way cleaner than my room," he joked, making himself at home. He started looking closely around my room. Observing the sweaters I owned, dvds, lighters that sat along my windowsill.

"Why're trying to be a friendly?" I questioned, sitting down on my bed. My high was starting to wear off by now.

He shrugged, sitting beside me. "I guess you just looked out of place with Reece and her minions."

I gave him a confused look. "Minions?"

He nodded. "That chick, Ayia, she follows Reece around like a lost puppy. It's sad really." Thinking back on how she really treats Ayia, Luke was right. Ayia does whatever Reece wants and follows her orders like whatever.

"You know I'm right," he smirked, leaning back on my bed. I didn't say anything. "I don't understand why you're even friends with them. You obviously don't seem like the type to fall into her games."

I shrugged. I honestly didn't want to say anything to get me in trouble. I was in with Reece and Ayia, I didn't want them to turn against me. I didn't want Brooklyn to happen all over again.

"Let me guess," Luke spoke again. "You're scared they will find things out about you, they'll turn on you and post your dark secret around the school. You will be forced to move again. But you can't go back to Brooklyn because something bad happened there. So, you'll be forced to live in Nebraska with your aunt who hates dogs. Then you'll be depressed because you love dogs and would never dream of living with someone who hates dogs."

I laughed at his guess. "How did you know my aunt hates dogs?" I joked, falling down on the bed beside him.

We both laughed harder even if it wasn't that funny. Our laughter died down once Luke's phone started ringing. He waisted no time before answering it.

"Hey Ash... yeah I know... I don't know... I'm chillin with a friend... no fuck off... whatever... bye."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"My friend wanted to know why my car was still at his place," he explained and I nodded.

"You said I was a friend?" I asked, referring back to his conversation on the phone.

"Aren't we friends? Unless, me lying in your bed means something different," he wiggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, slapping him on the shoulder. "I guess I can consider you a friend."

I wish I had a camera to take a picture of how his smile grew wide. Honestly, I'm surprised I even said that.

When I first met Luke, I didn't want anything to do with him. He was just another tatted up guy to me with  problems. I had my new friends who seemed nice. I didn't care to get to know him. But after the day in the music store and today, I regret how I treated him. He's so chill and funny and doesn't deserve the bad name he's set for himself.

"It's getting late," I stated, looking at the sun beginning to set. "You should probably get home."

His face fell. Something told me he didn't want to be home right now.

"Everything okay?" I asked, sitting up to look at him. He did the same, leaning his back against my wall.

"You don't really wanna kick me out, do you?" his expression was soft, as if it hurt him to leave. Then, a smirk formed on his lips. That's when I knew I was allowed to punch him.

"Man, I actually felt bad for you for a sec," I laughed.

"Does Harmony actually have feelings?" he gasped, placing a hand to his heart.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

He just continued to laugh. "But for real, you're really going to kick me out?"

I sighed, giving into his peer pressure. "No."

He smiled even wider.

This kid was so weird.

I stood up from my place on the bed and made my way to my closet. "I'm gonna get changed. Try not to break anything."

"You know you can change in front of me right? I don't mind," he smirked.

I gave him yet another eye roll. "Of course you wouldn't."


I had almost forgot about the date with Chayse until Ayia brought it up. Apparently, I was getting ready at her place and he already knew that. I was thankful because my plan to get picked up at that random house was kind of sketching me out.

"Oh, and I have these super cute shoes you can wear. Wait, do you think he's bringing you somewhere fancy, or casual? Hold on, I'll ask him." She pulled out her phone as Reece rolled her eyes. I swear if looks could kill, she would have me dead in an instant.

Ayia ended up having to go grab a drink, which left Reece and I alone. The awkward silence was giving me so much anxiety.

"We told you he's on the 'do not smash' list. You should've listened to me," she hissed.

I secretly rolled my eyes. "I don't plan on sleeping with him tonight. We're just hanging out."

She didn't seem to buy it. "Chayse never just 'hangs out' with pretty girls like you. Cancel the date, or I will end you."

To say her words scared me was an understatement. She was damn right viscous.

"They ran out of tea so I got you a water if that's okay, Harm," Ayia smiled, placing a water bottle in front of me.

"Thank you. You know, I don't know if that date is gonna work for me tonight. I'm not really feeling the best and my dad, being a cop and all, will be all over my ass," I lied, seeing Reece's pleased look from across the table. I hated how she enjoyed watching this.

"Oh I totally understand. I'll text him right now." Ayia was too nice for her own good.

"It's fine. I'll text him. I also think I might just go home early. Get some rest, y'know?"

She nodded, then hoped I felt better.

I left the cafeteria, heading up to my locker. I grabbed everything I needed before leaving the school. As usual, Luke and his friends stood outside smoking. Only this time, a few of them were missing. There was two of them instead of four.

"Hey, long time no see," Luke smiled at me.

I faked a smile, heading over in his direction. I didn't want to talk long. Mainly incase Reece came out, dug up dirt on me and ruined my new life here in Boston.

"Everything okay?" he asked, draping a long around around my shoulder. This felt weird to me, mainly because we just started talking.

I just nodded, then told him I was going home sick.

Once in my car away from everything, I broke down in tears.

I really hated how someone could be so cruel to ruin someone's happiness. Chayse honestly made me happy and it sounds insane, but I felt like I would be able to be myself around him. That was until Reece ruined it. Whatever happened before I got here, it shouldn't effect my relationships.

I continued to cry about this for way too long while listening to Johnny Cash. It was halfway through one of my favourite songs, God's Gonna Cut You Down, when I heard my passenger side door open and shut. I looked over to see a very concerned looking Luke.

"Where're we going?"

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