chapter sixteen

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you told her that her eyes looked a beautiful shade of blue when they were filled with tears.
so tears were all she made,
just to feel you near.
||jennae cecelia||

THE SURPRISE MY DAD ended up having for me was spending New Years with my mom. I had to admit, I was excited to see all my old friends and party like I used to.

So, I left right away and didn't bother telling anyone. It felt so good to just get away from all the drama going on in Boston.

When I got there, I was instantly greeted by my two best friends, Trey and Kaaya. We haven't really spoken since I moved, but it felt good to be around them again.

They caught me up on all my Queens drama while I told them about Boston. I even threw in that I met Chayse, leaving out how our relationship is at the moment, and what has happened with Luke. I also mentioned the weird Christmas he gave me and they weren't impressed. They bet on if he would forget about it, which I think he will.

"Oh, baby, obviously you have to break up with Chayse," Kaaya comforted for me. "You can't lead him on when you're into this Luke kid. Just talk to him and let him go gently."

Trey however had a different opinion. "Go to a party with this Luke kid and fuck him right in front of your dude. He'll get the hint."

"Trey, I can't do that. And I don't want to hurt Chayse," I lied. I didn't care how he felt, I just didn't want to get in a bad situation even if I already was.

We all hung out for a while before decided where to party. The whole time I was there, I forgot about my abusive boyfriend and the best friend I lost. Or at least it felt like I lost him.

At least I still had Ayia, right?

l u k e

Everything with Harmony was stressing me out ever since she cut off all contact with me. I got thinking about how much it would hurt Ayia. She was such a sweet girl, but I honestly wasn't into her like I was into Harmony.

I hated this feeling.

I decided that I was going to tell Ayia about Harmony and I at the New Years party tonight. I would've talked to Harm about it before I went through, but she's been MIA for a week now. Not that she cared enough to talk to me.

I don't even know where everything went sideways between us. Minus the fact that we both had significant others in the picture. But I had the feeling she honestly didn't care about going behind Chayse's back.

Maybe things have gotten bad between those two and she got paranoid?

No. She would definitely tell me if it got that bad. Actually, I don't know if she would anymore.

At first, it felt like I was the only person Harmony talked to. Like she opened up to me so much this past month and she didn't seem to be holding back. But the more I though about it, she hasn't opened up at all.

Sure, I was the first to know about this messed up Chayse situation, but I hardly know about what her life was like in Brooklyn. I know her mom is psycho, her bother passed away. I guess it was hard for her to tell me that much, but I don't know about any of her friends, experiences or anything.

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