Chapter two: the day

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Chapter two: the day

Today is the day of the fireworks. It starts at 7:00pm and Dallas wants to meet THREE FREAKING HOURS BEFORE like bruh why so early. I was gonna tell him to meet one hour before but whatever, he was the one that invited me so I kinda just went with it. If only I knew what would happen later on I would've just told him to meet me one hour before.

It's 3:00pm one hour before I have to meet him I start getting ready. I choose to wear black ripped jeans and a grey long sleeve shirt with two stripes on each sleeve. I tie my hair back into a pony tail and put on some black Nike runners. I know, I have horrible fashion taste but whatever I like what I wear and no one can change that. I leave the house at 3:30 to catch my bus and to get there on time. When i get on my bus I text Wara and Violet, letting them know that I am on my way to north river where the fireworks were being held. They proceeded to text back with "you better give us every detail of the 'date'". I just rolled my eyes and pocketed my phone.

I arrived at the place I was meant to meet Dallas at around 6:55 so I had to stand there for a few minutes. Dallas ends up coming five minutes late but thats okay people come late to stuff all the time right? I start to worry and text the group chat about regretting coming to this hang out.

We both say hi to each and start walking toward a grass area to sit and wait for the fireworks to start.

"So what made you want to ask me to go see the fireworks with you?" I ask awkwardly not really knowing what to say.

"I thought you were cool and wanted to get to know you." He answers honestly.

It's only like 5 minutes in and its already extremely awkward no I already want to go home. As the time goes by we are sitting on the grass picking and pulling it, slowly destroying the area because it is too awkward. I try to make the situation better by asking him questions like 'what is your favourite colour?' Or 'what is your favourite animal?' Subtly making the date a twenty questions game. And yes, I now think it is a date. We both do not like talking and are both very awkward so that doesn't really make the situation better.

One hour of sitting down, the popular group at school comes into sight, which makes the situation even more awkward and you wouldn't believe what happened. One of the guys saw us and walked straight to us and sat down next to us and starts talking to us!

"Hey Dallas, Hey Crystal" he says in the most friendly voice ever.

"Hey!" Both me and Dallas say in unison

"You guys come to see the fireworks?"

"No, we are here to watch the grass grow." I reply sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Ahahaha, are you guys waiting for someone."

"Yes." I quickly lie. Not wanting him to know that we are here alone.

"Ooooo Kay." He replies confused as to why I replied so quickly.

And with that we says bye to us and walks back to his group of friends. Dallas and I both decide to leave that area and migrate to another grass area where hopefully we don't bump into anyone else from school. Which is extremely unlikely because our school has around 3000 students and the school is right next to north river so it is basically a hotspot for us North Bank State High School students.

In Australia high school is grades 7-12 and our school is one of the biggest and best schools in the state so thats why we have a lot of students. Fun fact, the school is so prestigious that they hire investigators to see if people live inside the catchment area of the school  and if they find out that you lied about where you live, they kick you out. The only ways of getting into the school is to either get a sporting, music or academic scholarship or living inside the catchment.

Anyways back to the so called date. It is already terrible and awkward and i just want to leave and make up some excuse to leave but i have to wait for the fireworks to start to get out of this situation. I continue to ask him about random things to try and lighten the situation but it just keeps making the situation worse. After another hour of awkwardness the fireworks start. Thank god. I felt like my head would've exploded if i had to come up with another random question.

From all the questions I have asked him, I figured out that he has a little sister named 
Lola, he doesn't like old music because it has too much guitar, he only likes r and b music, if he was an animal he would be a bird, he only has close friends not best friends, he hates having long hair he always has to cut it even if its just a little bit too long, he only does tennis for a sport and he gets straight A's.

I realise that we are really different to each other because i have 2 older siblings, a brother and sister, I love all sorts of music especially pop music, if I was an animal I would be a panda because they are hella cute, I agree with having close friends rather than best friends, i do four sports, rowing, badminton, gymnastics and ice skating and I get horrible grades.

The fireworks went on for 30 minutes and we just sat on the grass in silent the whole time. Just listening to the popping of them and seeing them explode in the sky. They were beautiful. It looked like colourful stars in the sky. After the fireworks finished, I told him I was leant to be home by 7:30pm and my mum would kill me if I was late and with that excuse I ran off from him saying goodbye.

When I got onto the bus I sent my friends a huge rant about the day.

me: ok so first HE CAME LATE. But he came like 5 minutes late because his watch is 5 mins late apparently so for that whole five mins it made me feel like he wasn't gonna turn up and regret it very much which is why I texted u guys and like he eventually turned up and then we started walking and omg it is automatically awkward and then he goes 'I know this is gonna be weird but I asked around if you liked me' and I was like in my head 'wtf' and then he continued to say I asked Gina and Miles if they knew and I was like 'umm. what. why would they know that' and then apparently Gina being my homie said 'you're not her type' to him. And then I said to him that, that was soo weird. And then HE CALL IT A FUCKING DATE. That was when I was like shit. I honestly thought this was just a hang out. But no apparently it's a date. So now I feel bad because technically it's stringing him on. And so we proceeded to walk around awkwardly and omg it was soo bad. So at some point we decide to sit down. And it's still pretty awkward because we are just sitting there picking the grass. And GUESS WHO WE BUMP INTO. The freaking popular group. Like the group with Jake and Dylan and Charlie and Diana and stuff. So that was when we decided to migrate to a different location and it's still freaking awkward ahhhhh. And we talk a bit and he's a pretty cool and nice guy. And you know what he told me. He was like talking about the first time he noticed me and stuff like that and I was sooo uncomfortable and then thank god the fireworks started and then when it finished I made up some bull excuse THAT I HAD A CURFEW and then from there he was talking about hanging out some other time on the holidays and to be honest I wanted to say no but he's too nice so I said maybe. Big regrets.

Violet: wow. Sounds like you had a lot of fun

Wara: give him another chance

Me: pfft I don't know man.

I proceeded to send the huge text message to Gabrielle when i got home.

Gabrielle: IM CACKLING. WHY IS DALLAS SO NICE ALL OF A SUDDEN!! Like whenever I talk to him he's a lunatic.

Me: but dude he's so fricken awkward. It hurts.

Gabrielle: all the things he said would've made it awkward

Me: yah think?

After texting Gabrielle I felt tired and went to bed.

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