Chapter fifteen: the aftermath

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Chapter fifteen: the aftermath

*for my friends who are reading this right now. This is what i felt like the first day of school, not right now fam. I'm like so less depressed now then back then.*

Right now I feel like I have no one. My good friend, Wara, betrayed me, Dallas hates me and I don't trust anyone. I'm not close with anyone and at this point it's kinda too late to make new friends because everyone has already established their friend groups and it's just awkward when you join it because you don't know them well but they all know each other really well. Everyone in my group is paired up, Winnie with Violet and Wara with Gabrielle now and i'm with no one. Wara used to be my pair. It just gets really awkward when you try to hang with a pair because like you're kinda like a third wheel, or like one of the people in the pair doesn't like you or something like that

There's not really a lunch group i like to hang out with. I kinda just walk around saying 'hi' to everyone that i know briefly. No gonna lie, it's pretty sad. I decided not to talk to Wara, Dallas and Paige. I used to be so close with Wara and Paige and then just all of a sudden i lost them because of the whole drama with Dallas. On the plus side, i got to figure out who are my real friends and who i can trust I guess. Like the only person i trust is Dayton. I have always trusted Dayton. He's pretty chill. We need more people like Dayton, he's annoying and trustworthy at the same time it's really weird.

Lunch times is just so weird now. Whenever i go to Alex's group it's really boring, whenever i go to Winnie and Violet it's just feels really awkward, the only group i really enjoy is Ryder and Dayton's group. I also go to to tori's group and Sarah's group sometimes. Tori was in my classes last year and i sat with her group last year, but some of the topics that her group talks about is kinda boring so sometimes i don't even bother going to their group, and Sarah's group sits like at a whole other area so i'm not bothered to go to her sometimes.

Wara sits with a random group with Gabrielle and Dallas sits with his best friend, Gina. I guess they are doing fine. While i'm is slowly falling apart one by one.

it truely is ... the tragedy of her

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