Chapter six: Halloween

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Chapter six: Halloween

It's Monday and the annual Halloween movie night is on Wednesday. My friends and I are going this year because we wanna be more committed to the school community. You know, gotta get that school spirit.

When we were on the way to sign up for the Halloween movie night we walk past our other friend group from our first year of high school. We decide to go to talk to them and i sit next to my grade 7 crush, Alex.

Alex is pretty cool. Every time i walk past him we do a handshake which ends up with us holding hands for a few milliseconds and then us letting go. I don't really know how i feel about it but we do it every time so it's normal. He had a thing with Wara when i liked him so no one knows anything about my feelings for him. He always steals my white hat which looks ridiculous on him since the boys hats is navy blue and its so unusual to see a guy wearing it. It funny when the teacher telling him to return the hat to the original owner which has happened many times.

"What are you guys doing here?" Alex asks Winnie, Violet, Wara and I.

"Violet, Wara and I are getting movie night tickets and it is on the way so thought to drop by and see what you guys are up to.?" I said.

"We're just playing handball as usual."

"Oh! Can i join? I haven't played in so long." Winnie says.

"Yeah, of course. You have to wait in line for your turn though." Alex says while Winnie hops in line. Once Winnie gets on the court, they hit the ball towards her and she misses it and walks off court with a sad face.

"That's not fair, i lost on my first try." She whines. While the rest of the group is dying of laughter from her epic fail. After Winnie trying to play another game and yet again failing, we decide to go and sign up and get our tickets.

As the days slowly go by its finally movie night. Since its a Halloween we all had to dress up as something. Wara dressed up as a cowboy with our friend Julia, Violet dressed up as a tourist and Gloria and Anna dressed up as a devil and angel. I however hate that dress up kinda stuff so i wore a black skirt, a red shirt with roses in the corner of it and black boots. Which is very different from my usual black jeans with a black shirt and black sneakers.

We all get to the performing arts centre where the movie is being held at school. We realised that we are 30 minutes early. So we decide to have a full on photo shoot for our Instagrams. 10 minutes into our photo shoot, guess who rocks up to the centre... Dallas. Why is he everywhere. He is literally everywhere i go, what the hell. 

A few minutes of talking to his friends and being teased and bullied about him. I somehow end up sitting next to him in the movie AGAIN!!! With his friends sitting In the row behind us. His friends pressured us into cuddling with each other while the movies on. Talk about peer pressure.

My head is on his shoulder while his arm is wrapped around me. He is warm as hell. It's a really comfortable position but really uncomfortable at the same time too because all his friends were behind us, my friends were sitting right next to me and we were at school so teachers were around too. When the movie is nearly finished my friends go outside because the movie was pretty boring which leaves me alone with him and his friends.

2 minutes after my friends leave i feel even more uncomfortable so i make up an excuse that my mum is here to pick me up and i proceed to stand up and run away. Once i walk outside i am hit with fresh air and relief from escaping the uncomfortable feeling that was bugging me. I see my friends in the parking lot and i walk towards them.

"Hey crystal, why aren't you inside with Dallas?" Violet asks.

"Eh, my mum is picking me up so i had to leave." I lied.

"So, do you like him now?" Wara asks. And i just shrug not really knowing the answer. I feel like i don't like him but after what happened in there i feel like i should like him because at this point i'm stringing him on.

After a few minutes of standing around in the parking lot, the rowing coach Miss Jackson comes up to us.

"Hey girls!"

"Hey Miss Jackson." We all say in unison.

"How'd you guys like the movie?"

"It was pretty boring." Wara replies and just as she says that a bunch of students are walking out of the centre, including Dallas' friends. When i spot Dallas' friends I immediately hide behind Violet.

"Nothing to see here." Violet says trying to hide me as much as possible. Which is real smooth. The group walks past and unfortunately they saw me.

"Ooo, are you hiding from an ex-boyfriend?" Miss Jackson asks with the biggest smirk and wiggling eyebrows.

"More like soon to be boyfriend." Says Wara with as big of a smirk as Miss Jacksons.

"Well Crystal, you can go all out with boys this semester but next semester when rowing season starts. Break up with him." Miss Jackson jokes.

"Will do." I reply with an uncomfortable expression on my face. Well great. Now a teacher knows about my so called relationship with Dallas.

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