Chapter fourteen: that's the tea.

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Chapter fourteen: that's the tea.

*on instagram stories*

Wara: if you are reading this, i am not gonna say i am sorry, cause i know it wouldn't do much. But  i am gonna say that i screwed up bad and i really hope that you are still willing to talk to me. I am privileged to have you in my life and i am just not grateful enough and threw you away for entertainment. I am gonna try to learn from this even if you don't want to talk to me again. I basically deserved this and i am not worth a good friendship at the moment. Anyways, i just needed to let that out but i am too scared to sent it to you directly. So here it is on my close friends which is you. I could say i don't hope for forgiveness, but i do. But not like thats gonna do.

When I opened that I immediately screenshoted it and sent it to Dayton

Me: lol she posted this

Dayton: bruhhh she's trying

Me: yeah

Dayton: damn... just talk to her

Me: okay.. but from what i see she's really sorry

In my experience with Wara i don't think that paragraph was sincere. There's something about it that is just not right. It just seems like she didn't write it... but who knows maybe she did and maybe she didn't.

Dayton: so give her a chance when you do end up talking to her okay?

After i finished talking to Dayton, i went to Gabrielle because i think she is more helpful than Dayton. No offence Dayton. (If you are reading this, Gabrielle is just better).

*sends Gabrielle the screenshot*

Gabrielle: Wara is pretty spontaneous.

Me: Huh?

Gabrielle: I don't know about you, but sometimes I just never can guess what she'll say or do. Either way. Seems like she's suffering

Me: Hmmmm

Gabrielle: Well I mean she's probably gonna see that you read it

Me: I know

Gabrielle: sooo

Me: Ill leave it for a bit, And then reply later, I need a moment to process

Gabrielle: Hmm so it looks like you reflected. Good good  She knows she screwed up. You know all may seem bad, but slowly everything sorts itself out. Well kinda. Sometimes it takes the effort and strength to.
Hmm. I should be a counsellor
Anyways, It's gonna be alllll ggggggg

Me: Thank u, next

*2 hours later*

I finally decided to text Wara

Me:  Ok so.

When i told you i was thinking about breaking up with Dallas, i honestly didn't know what i was expecting. I honestly didn't expect you to tell but whatever, what is done is done. I kinda only told you because i needed to tell someone to get it off my chest.

Fast forward to when someone told me that you told Dallas.
I honestly was really hurt at first and then i was furious. Like no joke fucking mad. And you can't really blame me for being mad because you know someone you cared about and trusted kinda just went behind your back and like yah know. I was Wondering why you would do that to me. But then someone told me that you probably thought it would soften the blow for Dallas but i don't know man. So thats when i looked at it on your side. And i still didn't really understand not gonna lie. But i guess your head was kinda in the right place?? I don't know man.

Anyways. It wasn't your place to tell him and i hope you understand that now and that it's me and dallas' problem. I honestly don't know what you thought would've happened after telling him but whatever it doesnt matter now.
I dont really know if i forgive you or not i'm kinda confused right now. I guess time will tell
This whole text message is all over the place lmao

Wara: Wow, that was long lolz. Well, I guess I told cuz I thought that he could probably change ur mind and make the whole situation a bit better. And I guess also for entertainment. But when I told dallas, he reacted differently from how I expected and I guess I just went along with what he said without a second thought. I mean I probably shouldn't have told him but i don't know at that moment I felt like it will make your relationship a bit better. but also I guess it wasn't my problem in that first place and it was me that screwed up bad. I pulled an all-nighter and thought about this like 2 nights ago, and I guess I was a bitch for doing that and it was all my fault in the first place. I mean i don't know what to do a this point but like this has definitely made me understand how much I value this friendship. I mean I can't really expect anything at this point. But i dont know, I guess I just didn't think it through and the effect that it might have. Anyways, i feel like this was all my problem and I guess u don't have to forgive at all. i just don't know mannn. Wow this is long haha

And with that message i left her on seen.


Violet: Dallas thinks you were in his Instagram the day you guys broke up. He thinks that's how you found out that Wara told him about you breaking up.


why the fuck would he think that. Like who do you fucking think i am. If you know me i wouldn't be in your fucking instagram. When he gave me his instagram details i got into it and felt like it was wrong and logged out and deleted it from my phone. Like what the fuck i may be a curious person but i'm not a fucking invasive person what the actual fuck.

Legit if you think that i would look through your instagram without your fucking permission then you don't fucking know me at all. And plus when this happened i deactivated my instagram and deleted it. But then reactivated it to go on a rant about Wara so wouldn't make any sense if i was on his instagram when she told him. Like what a fucking dickhead.


Sarah: *sends screenshot of her and Dallas' chat*

- Sarah's and dallas conversation -

Sarah: you gave her you account details?

Dallas: i didn't think anything of it and that it was a mistake on my part. But still, she gave me her details and I could've looked through her shit, but i didn't out of respect. Shame she couldn't do the same.

Reading that text message fucking pissed me off what the actual fuck is wrong with him.

Sarah: well at least you were respectable and responsible during that situation

Dallas: yeah. Oh well thats just life

Sarah: What did She get angry over?

Dallas: Wara warning me about her going out with someone else and telling me how she was gonna break up with me. Personally i think she made a bigger deal out of it then it actually was.

- end of conversation -

Personally i think he's an asshole. Whoops. Sorry. Not sorry. But yes, I did get angry at Wara for telling him because it wasn't her place to tell but i was more angry at myself for telling her. But oh well whatever.


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