Chapter four: the walk home and it's my birthday

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Chapter 4: the walk home with him and my birthday

As the school day goes by, it is pretty darn boring. I am seated next to Ryder in class and all he does in class is look at memes on his ipad with his friend Jake. Every 5 minutes you can just see them both burst out in laughter. It's fairly annoying if you ask me but I have to admit sometimes I read the memes and laugh with them too. Sometimes in class I would send him memes anonymously just for fun. He always figures out that it's me sending them to him.  

Ryder doesn't really pay attention in class but he gets good grades like what the hell. It's so frustrating because I try in school and I barely get as good of grades as he does. Life is just so unfair. On the upside, he's really good at explaining stuff and helping you understand some hard stuff. Sometimes I act like I don't know how to do something just so he could tell me I'm stupid and then proceed to explain the question to me. It is literally flirting 101.

When its finally the end of the last class for the day, I start walking to the place where I meet Paige to walk home together since we live close to each other. Once I get there I get a text from Paige.

Paige: have fun walking home with Dallas ;)) Don't do anything I wouldn't do ;))

What a fucking bitch.

A minute later, Dallas shows up and asks me to walk home with him. I said sure because I'm an idiot. I'm gonna kill Paige for this.

When we were just about to leave the school, his friends show up and start to attack me with question and start to tease Dallas and I.

'Are you crystal?'

'Who are you?'

'How do you know Dallas?'

'If you break his heart in gonna kill you?'

'Are you guys dating?'

'You guys should get married'

'Aww, Crystal and Dallas sitting in a tree.'

Damn. His friends are the weirdest. After awhile his friends calm down and let us leave school and walk home.

The walk is pretty awkward. It is a 15 minute walk because i was practically speed walking the whole way to try to minimise as much time possible. I honestly don't know why he even likes me. Like every time we hang out together its so incredibly awkward like i don't even know what he sees in me. We can't even hold a proper conversation. Eventually we get to the road i live on and i expect him to walk a different direction as me since he lives the opposite direction as me but he ends up walking my straight to my door! Like talk about a gentlemen. I guess that was a cute and nice gesture. We bid goodbyes and i watch him walk down the road towards is apartment.

Two days after the walk, it is my birthday. My friends throw me a surprise hang out. It is legit just us hanging out at a grass area around north bank. It's nothing special. I honestly don't think birthdays are a big deal so i'm glad they didn't throw a huge party or something big because that would've been terrible. The people that were there was Miles, Violet, Wara, Gabrielle and guess who else they invited...


Yep. You guessed it. The one and only Dallas. Sigh. You can already guess that this will be an amazing birthday right.

At first we just all sat and chatted, there was a little bit of awkwardness floating around because not many of us are close to Dallas but he fit in pretty well with the group though so that is good. After awhile we all decided to go into the city to go get lunch and go around for free birthday food. We also went shopping too. Which is pretty fun.

Near to the end of the day, everyone gave me the gifts they got me. Gabrielle gave me a cute notebook, Wara gave me an heart necklace, Miles got me chocolate, Violet gave me a shirt that i wanted for ages and Dallas got me white and pink roses which by the way is my favourite flower and he also got me a cute moon shaped light that changes colours which is pretty useless but its cool. He honestly is a thoughtful gift giver.

Overall, this wasn't a bad 15th birthday.

The tragedy of herOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora