Chapter 2

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(The playlist for this story is in the picture above and the playlist is in the link in my bio)

Ashton's P.O.V

It's been four days since i've arrived at what Ky likes to call the "Panic Room". Surprisingly I haven't been dragged out to wherever Ky was when I arrived here.

She's been pulled out twice. Once a day the first two days. Almost like it's on a timer. I can never see who takes her, but I know one thing for sure, it's a man. I can always hear a deep voice yelling at Ky to get up and follow him. Every time she comes back, she collapses on the floor. She's so completely drained of energy and I'm almost positive she passes out.

Every time she comes back in that state I feel so guilty. Like I should be able to do something but I know can't because of that damn wall. It's torture for me not being able to help.

Ky and I have managed to become close. I think she's a pretty funny person and is really nice. Whatever she's talking about, she talks about it with a passion. Whether it be over how good the food is served that is from whoever is keeping us here, or how comfty her clothes are.

It's quite strange, if I'm honest. Why would they give us such nice things but torture us? It makes no sense to me. You'd think they'd at least make sure we were miserable both inside and out of the Panic Room.

Today has been relatively uneventful, which is nice. I'm so happy that neither of us have been called out in the past two days.

However, I live in a constant state of fear that Ky will get called out...or me. I don't understand why they haven't yet. You'd think they would have the day after I got here.

It's nice to say that my leg is healing quickly. I can walk on it with little or no pain. The first two days were torture because of my damn leg. I couldn't walk over to the wall to talk to Ky so I was pretty much yelling at her from across the room. Now that I can't actually walk, I can sit next to the wall and talk to her.

I think she enjoys my company, as much as she says I'm annoying. As much as she doesn't want to, she at least smiles at my jokes.

It feels nice to make her smile, despite all the shit she's gone through. It's crazy that she's made it through.

Today has been exactly how it was yesterday. Nothing has happened, which I'm grateful for. One other thing I've noticed about our rooms is that on the wall opposite the door, is another door. We've both tried opening it but it won't budge.

I'm just sitting in front of the wall while Ky brushes out her hair. Our captors were kind enough to give her a brush, which I can tell she's happy about. She even got a mirror. Why are they being so kind? Are they trying to make her have Stockholm syndrome?

I look up at her as she brushes the tangles out. Every once in a while she winces in pain.

I smile a small bit. "You know, they could have at least given me a brush and mirror too. At this rate my hair will be down to my shoulders." Which was definitely an over exaggeration since my hair is barely below my chin.

Ky giggles, looking over at me. "I don't think it will be getting too much longer. You haven't even been here for more than a week."

I raise my eyebrows, trying to keep a straight face. "You never know. My hair might grow really fast."

She scoffs. "Your hair hasn't even grown an inch!"

I pretend to be sad. "How do you know? You've seen me everyday."

I pout which makes her laugh again. I smile as she continues to giggle.

"You're in a good mood," I comment. I'm so glad to see her happy. I haven't ever seen her like this.

Well, then again, I've only been here for four days. I'm talking like I've been here with her for years.

If I'm completely honest, it feels like I've known her for my entire life.

She's just so-.

My thoughts are interrupted by my door swinging open. I jump, turning my head to see what is through that door. My first instinct is to run, since my leg is fully healed. But then I turn my head to look at Ky. She stares at me with large, scared, ocean eyes. I knew in that instant that I need to stay. For her.

I shakily get to my feet. I had been sitting on the floor for so long, I had to stretch my legs out.

"Come on!" A high voice barked.

I looked up to see that the person that's come to get me is a woman. Strange. I thought that they would have sent the same man after me. I decide to follow orders. I don't have the energy to disobey. Today.

I turn my head to Ky. She gives me a small smile.

"Just do what they tell you to," She says. "Try not to resist. That will only make it worse."

I don't say anything, but give her a small nod. I walk out of the small room, following the woman without any complaint. After a minute of silence, I open my mouth.

"Where are we going?"

She looks back at me. If I'm not mistaken, I swear I saw a flash of sympathy in her gray eyes.

"To the Panic Room," She responds.

I raise my eyebrows. "I thought this entire place was the Panic Room?"

She only shakes her head. After another few minutes of silence, she speaks again.

"Kyrelle was right."

"What d'you-?"

"Don't resist whatever they do to you. That will only make it worse," She cuts me off, saying all of this in a whisper. "Look. I'm not supposed to help you, but I'll do what I can. You seem like a nice kid. You don't deserve any of this. I have a friend that might be able to help you and Kyrelle. I just need you to cooperate."

I pause for a second. "What would you need me to do?" I respond in a whisper. I can tell that we might be overheard since she's being so quiet.

"Nothing yet," She says. "I'm Annabelle Grace, by the way." She stops in front of a door that looks a lot like the one in Ky and I's rooms. She straightens her posture and says rather loudly, "Get in there you bastard."

I open the door to reveal a plain room. A simple chair is set in the middle of it and there's a huge mirror. I'm guessing that's actually a one way window. Whoever's on the other side of that mirror is watching me.

I'm guessing I need to sit down, so that's exactly what I did.

It's quiet for a good five minutes, then a voice speaks over the intercom.

"Bring in the first fear."

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