Chapter 15

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Ashton's P.O.V

Annabelle and Jason leads us down the hallway that Annabelle first brought me through. I walk close next to Ky, my hand resting on the small of her back. I can tell she's nervous. She has no idea what she's walking into. Once we reach the now-familiar metal door, she stops completely. She almost pulls me back with her.

I look over at her, worry written all over my face. "Ky?"

She looks at me, the fear clear in her eyes. "I'm scared."

I smile reassuringly. "It'll be okay. Just stick with me. Besides, you've already met Michael and Luke."

She nods, breathing shakily. Ky lets me walk in first. She takes me by surprise, grabbing my hand tightly in hers.

I giggle. "You can loosen up, Ky. No one is going to hurt you."

"What if this is a trap? What if they are really working for Calum? What if-."

"Ky," I grin, turning around. I place my hands on her frail shoulders. I rub my hands up and down, trying to calm her. "It's okay. I promise, nothing will happen." I pause to think over my next words. "And if something does happen - which it won't - I'll protect you."

She rolls her eyes with a small smile tugging at her lips. "I'm not completely helpless."

"I know," I respond, my smile widening. "But it made you smile, didn't it?"

She nods, laughing at me. "You're ridiculous."

"But amazing," I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Ky giggles.

Jason laughs ahead of us. "Okay, lovebirds, get your asses inside."

We continue down the small hallway. My arm is still tightly wrapped around Ky's small body.

Before we even make it around the corner, Mali's frantic voice is carried to us.

"We need to fucking kill them!" Mali screams, pulling at the roots of her hair.

"We can't do anything just yet-." Michael tries to say.

"THEY FUCKING KILLED RAPHAEL," Mali screams at him. As Michael flinches away, she softens her voice. "They need to pay." She looks up, meeting my eyes. "There you are. Get your ass over here and help plan."

I only nod, not wanting to make her more upset.

Ky walks close behind me, her hand on a death grip with mine.

Mali looks at Ky. "Who the hell is this."

Before I can open my mouth, Michael speaks up. "She's Kyrelle Vega." Mali's eyebrows furrow together. Michael sighs with a smile. "The other victim of Panic Room."

Recognition floods over her features. "Oh. I'm sorry. I'm Mali-Koa."

Mali extends her hand with a smile on her face. I can tell it's fake.

Ky shakes her hand. "You can call me Ky."

Everyone takes turns introducing themselves. I take note of how angrily Elizabeth was towards Ky.

After the introductions, I walk over to Mali.

"What happened?" I whisper.

Mali looks up meeting my eyes for a split second before looking back down at the pool table. She bites her lip, obviously holding back tears.

"Mali?" I say lowly.

She stands completely still before turning and wrapping her arms around my waist. I'm shocked. I have no clue what to do. This is the last thing I expected from her.

I look up, my eyes meeting Michael's. He laughs at my confused face. I raise my eyebrows, still unsure of what to do.

Mike only shakes his head, mouthing 'hug her' at me.

I nod. I hesitsntly let my arms wrap around her shoulders.

Sobs rack through her body. Through loud sobs she manages to say, "T-They k-killed him." She cries a bit more before elaborating. "T-They killed R-Raphael."

I know better to say sorry. That will only make her angry. She's not one to take sympathy well. I run my fingers through her slightly tangled hair with one hand. My other is rubbing her back as soothingly as I can.

She's being torn apart by this. I can't believe those bastards killed her only source of security. The only person that's cared for her.

It was just wrong.

"We'll kill them, Mali." I pause before I say my next words. "I can promise you that."

The only thing about making a promise, is that if you don't go through with it, it will hurt whoever you made the promise to.

After a few more minutes, and many more tears later, she backs away. Mali's eyes widen as she realized she had a breakdown in front of everyone.

"I-I'm sorry," She stutters, her tan cheeks flushing red.

I giggle. "It's okay, Mali." She sends me a grateful smile. I turn to the pool table. "So, let's get to planning."

A/N: I know this chapter is short, but i didn't have a lot of time to write it. Thanks for reading!


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