Chapter 14

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Ashton's P.O.V

I lay on the bed in the Secret Room, looking through all of the things that Luke and Michael brought back from my past. It's been about three days since I last seen any of them. I've only went through Panic Room four times. Thankfully, Ky only went through it twice.

I shove a necklace that I found in the drawers in my pocket as I realize that it's almost three in the morning.

I push open the metal door and close it as quietly as I can. Ky lays on her bed on the other side of the wall, knocked out. She had just gotten back from Panic Room a few hours ago. I guess I was in the Secret Room longer than I thought.

I take in a deep breath, and lay down on the bed.

I turn the locket over and over in my hands. It's truly beautiful. It's gold with an intricate pattern on the front and back. I'm almost scared to open it. I have no clue what is inside here. Possibly a clue to my past. I guess it would be more of a person.

I sigh, deciding that I should open it.

I press the button on the side and the locket swings open.

Inside is a seemingly innocent picture. Me with three other teenagers. We all stood in front of an old pick up truck. I sat on the hood. Another guy sat next to me, with a girl standing between his legs. A girl also stands between mine, leaning against me. However, as I look closer, I recognize two of those people.

It's Michael and Chloe.

I refrain from gasping, seeing that Ky is sleeping. There may be a glass wall between us, but it is paper thin. Or she's just a really light sleeper. Either way, I don't want to wake her. But I do sit up.

Michael looks a lot younger. He couldn't be more than sixteen and he had a ridiculous fringe. This was obviously post-hairdye.

Chloe had natural brown hair that reached past her shoulders. She wore a band t-shirt that was way too big for her, so I'm guessing it used to be mine. I have my arms wrapped around her with my chin resting on her head.

Between Michael's legs was a gorgeous woman with long brown hair. I can't make out her features, but I can see the silver necklace hanging around her neck. It's pretty much identical to the one I'm holding now.

What the hell?

Michael and I used to know each other. Best friends, it seems like.

How could that be?

Does he remember any of this?

He couldn't. He went through Panic Room just as we have. He has no memories.

I push my curly hair back as it had fallen in my face. It's difficult to wrap my mind around all this.

I need to show him what I found.

But, I won't be able to do that until the next meeting which is God knows when. I haven't heard anything about it. I haven't seen Jason or Annabelle since the last meeting.

Only guards who deliver our food and take us to Panic Room.

I sigh again, and get underneath the uncomfortable blankets.

I might as well get rest. It's not like I have anything better to do.

I close my eyes, the beautiful unconsciousness overwhelming me almost immediately.

I'm on a skateboard, riding to Michael's house. He said he had something important to tell me, but I have no clue what.

I arrive in front of the tiny building that Michael lives in. I hop off of the skateboard, kicking it up so that I could hold it.

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