Chapter 16

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Third person P.O.V

Nikki stands around what they like to call the "round table". It's something they've been using since the rebellion first started all those years ago. Nikki looks over all of the plans that they've come up with. They're still waiting on confirmation that the "insiders" are on their side.

A door opens behind Nikki, which causes him to jump. He's been wound up since she left. His love, his life, his everything.


She didn't leave on her own, though. They took her. The Royals. They need to pay for what they took from him. He will get his revenge, one way or another. He will have her back.

He looks behind his shoulder to see his second in command, Chloe. She lost her love the way he lost his.

"Have you heard anything about Ashton?" She asks.

Nikki shakes his head, annoyed. "You ask the same goddamn question when you walk into this room. If I had answers for you, don't you think that I would have fucking told you?"

Chloe sighs. "Calm down, Sixx. You're gonna blow a gasket if you're not careful."

"Shut the fuck up," Nikki snaps.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that."

He whips around, quickly pinning Chloe to the wall. His arm presses against her throat, restricting her ability to breathe.

"S-Sixx," She gasps.

"Let's get one thing straight, the only reason I am helping your...Ashton, is because I want Ky back. Since they are together, I have to help your guy as well. I don't have to fucking help you at all. I could very well just leave him to die."

"Y-You w-wouldn't," Chloe breathes.

"Don't test me, Price," Nikki growls.

He releases her, not even looking back as she falls to the ground on her knees. All he can hear is the gasps coming out of her mouth.

"Why are you so cruel?" She asks, her hand clinging to her throat.

Nikki whips around once again to face her. "I don't think that is any of your goddamn business."

Chloe only nods, realizing that maybe she shouldn't test him after all.

Delilah scurries in, her steps looking lighter than they've ever been since Michael disappeared.

"I know where Michael is!" She exclaims, not even paying attention to Chloe lying on the ground.

"Yeah, dead," Nikki says darkly.

Delilah vigorously shakes her head. "No he's alive! Just really hurt since he fell off of a tree he was climbing down." She pauses, looking lost in her thoughts. "But he's alive!"

"Where did you even see him?" Chloe chokes out. "He shouldn't be just wondering around the streets if the Hoods took him."

Nikki turns around to face Delilah. "You were at the Hoods' mansion, weren't you?"

Delilah looks down at her feet, feeling ashamed. She slowly nods. "Yes. Yes I did." She looks up to meet Nikki's green eyes. "I wanted to get more intel to help you guys find Ky and Ash."

Nikki sighs. "And was your adventure successful?"

Delilah grins. "More than you'd believe."

Nikki's eyes widen, not actually expecting her to have information.


Delilah's smile drops a bit. "I don't think you're going to like what I found."

"Just tell me!"

"You're going to be-."

"I don't care!" Nikki cuts her off.

"Just don't get-."

"I'm already angry so just fucking tell me!"

"Alright!" Delilah yells back. She takes a deep breath. "I think that Ash and Ky might be in love."

Chloe finally stands up and walks towards them. "What do you mean, Delilah?"

"What fucking proof do you have of that?" Nikki demands.

"I see the way they look at each other." Delilah turns to face Chloe. "He gives her the same look he gave you, maybe even more. And she returns it." Delilah sighs. "I saw them unite in a room that Michael and Luke Hemmings set up for them. They probably would have kissed if Michael and Luke hadn't shown up."

Nikki shakes his head, not believing her words. "I don't fucking believe you. Ky promised me-."

Delilah quickly interrupts him. "Whatever that Ky promised you, doesn't mean shit anymore. The old Ky is gone. And so is the old Ashton." Delilah runs a hand through her hair. "And I don't think they're coming back."

Nikki shakes his head. "That's it. we're getting them the fuck out of there."

A/N: Sorry this was so short but its the end of the year And I'm just trying to put my school work first.

This is Nikki by the way. Hopefully after Panic Room is over, I'll start on a Nikki Sixx fanfic.

Thanks for reading!


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