Chapter 10

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Kyrelle's P.O.V

"Where the hell have you been?!" I repeat a little louder.

All I could think about the entire time he was gone was that Calum had taken him to Panic Room for a late night torture. My heart sped up and a shiver ran down my spine just saying his name.

Calum Hood.

He made sure I knew who he was the last time I was dragged into Panic Room. I try not to delve back into that dreaded memory but, my mind obviously had a different thought.

I was sat down in a chair. They actually bound my wrists with a scratchy rope that annoyed me. My feet were bound to the legs of the chair with duct tape. I would have rather had the duct tape on my wrists and the rope on my legs, but whatever. I had nothing to do but wait for the torture. I just stared at the mirror that was directly in front of me. I rolled my eyes as I realized that my roots were easily seen through the blue in my hair. I hated my natural colour, so it's only natural I want it always covered.

It felt like hours, and finally a door opened. I expected some kind of monster to come through. However, I found that I was wrong. A very attractive boy that couldn't have been but a year or two older than me stepped through. He had dark black hair and chocolate brown eyes. His tan skin complimented his hair and eyes perfectly. Peeking out from his shirt was a tattoo on his chest and his arms had quite a few inked into his skin.

He had sent me a kind smile. I thought for sure that he could save me. That had to have been the reason he came into that room, right?

I sent him a smile back, but as he drew closer, I realized there wasn't something quite right about him. I couldn't, and still can't, lay my finger on what exactly it was, but there was definitely something. Could it have been how he walked? Slow and menacing, almost as if he was a tiger about to pounce on his prey. Or his eyes that seemed to be filled with so much hatred for something? Perhaps the world?

Anyways, he pulled up a chair from the table that was to the left of me. He sat down on it backwards, so that the back of the chair was pressing against his chest. He folded his arms on the top of it and rested his chin on them.

After a few moments of silence, I finally spoke up. "W-Who are you?"

He smirked at me. "Calum Hood." He motioned around him as he said, "The holder of Panic Room."

My eyes widened and I felt as if I had been slapped. He was the one causing us so much pain? So much torture?

I tried to pull my hands from the ropes so that I could slap him. And punch him. And do any kind of physical pain I could possibly do.

"Why the fuck are you here." I said it as more of a statement than a question.

He chuckled at me, as if I didn't look like I wanted to rip his face off. "Watch your mouth, love." He reached forward and stroked my cheek. I tried to pull away from him but it didn't work. He looked hurt at my attempt. He leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "I'm going to get you out of here, and you'll be all mine. I'll make sure Ashton has a slow death."

Ever since he said those words, I've been on alert. When Ash wasn't in his room I thought Calum killed him. I don't think I can handle that kind of pain. Ashton and I have grown so close these past few weeks.

Ashton raises his finger to his lips. He walks over to the wall and smiles at me, his dimples popping out. That's probably my favorite thing about him. That and his laugh. Especially when he does that little giggle of his. He's kept me sane throughout this mess.

"I can't tell you just yet," He whispers.

His eyes meet mine, and anger bubbles in my veins. "What the fuck do you mean you can't tell me?" I narrow my eyes at him. "In case you forgot, we're in this together. It's not just about you protecting me. Have you ever though that maybe I need to protect you too?"

He opens his mouth to speak, but we hear clicks on the doors in our rooms that won't open. I look at him curiously, my anger temporarily gone. We both walk over to the heavy metal doors. We make eye contact one last time, then we both push open the doors.

I can only imagine the worst as I push open the door. Arrows piercing Ashton and another wall separating us, so that I can't help him. Calum personally killing Ashton and forcing me to watch. But, those thoughts are gone as I look into the room that the doors had hidden. A gorgeous room that's painted an ocean blue unfolds in front of us. Two beds sit at either end of the room and a luxurious bathroom is to the right of us. I can't see much of it from where I'm standing, but I can tell it's nice. I finally look to my left, and realize the most important thing about this brand new room.

There's no wall.

Ashton looks over at me as he realizes the same thing. He runs over to me and picks me up in a hug. I can't help but love how his arms feel around me. I feel safe, and.....loved. I can practically feel his relief to finally be able to make physical contact with me. I feel tears pool in my eyes and I start to sob. This is the first time I've actually wanted anyone to touch me.

As Ashton hears my cries, he pulls back and grins at me. He rubs his thumbs underneath my eyes and whispers, "Don't cry."

I laugh through the tears and pull my hands away from his waist, where they were resting. I wipe away the tear stains as best I can. "I'm sorry, it's just. . .," I trail off, not sure how to word that sentence.

He laughs. "I feel the same way."

I giggle as we just stare at each other. I take in his features and commit them to memory. He's so beautiful. I can tell he's doing the same thing based on how his eyes are roaming my face.

Someone clears their throat from the corner of the room, causing us to jump away from each other.

"Sorry to interrupt this touching moment, but we have some things to go over," A boy with purple hair says.

Standing next to him is a tall blonde with quiffed hair. Both of them have piercings. The boy with purple hair has an eyebrow piercing, and the blonde has a lip piercing.

Ashton grins at them. "You just couldn't get enough of me?"

A/N: To be honest it felt weird to be writing in a girl's perspective again 😂 it's been so long since i have

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