Chapter 11

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Ashton's P.O.V

I look at Michael, who seems to be hiding something. I can't pin point what it is, but I feel it. Maybe it's just me being paranoid. I really don't know.

Luke sits in front of me on the bed that Ky has claimed as her own. Actually, a lot of stuff she seemed to recognize was in the drawers of the nightstand. Ky sits cross-legged next to Luke. I sit on my bed with Michael fidgeting next to me.

"Are you gonna explain this room?" I ask, finally grabbing Luke's attention who was just staring into space.

Luke's eyes meet mine as he starts to explain. "We found this room a little bit before Panic Room began. We were planning on you guys' escape before you came here. The doors would not budge at all. No one could get in, but Michael and I managed to find another way in. The doors were nailed and bolted shut. We were able to get them unstuck. We renovated it so that's it's nicer. After we found out who you guys were, we were able to go to where you used to live and get some things that might help jog your memories."

Something finally clicks in my mind. "Michael?" He turns his head to face me. "You said that you were in Panic Room a few years back, right?"

He nods hesitantly. "Yeah, why?"

"You lost your memories, didn't you?"

He nods slowly. A sigh escapes his lips as he runs both his hands through his already messed up hair. "We're trying to get them back, but my records are gone. They pretty much burn the records of whoever you were before Panic Room when it ends. I didn't start looking for them until about six months after I got out. Mali's been a huge help. She's been trying to get as many leads on to who I was before as she can. I slip out when I have the chance and go talk to the lead."

I smile. "Mali seems sweet when she doesn't look like she wants to kill me."

Michael laughs. "I think she likes you. You're just as stubborn as she is."

I look at him skeptically. "You're sure she won't kill me?"

"I can't promise that," Michael grins. "She almost shot me earlier today."

"How the hell did that happen," I giggle, glancing over to Ky and Luke who are engulfed in their own conversation.

"Well I was going through the tunnels underneath the Hood's estate when I found Mali. I took her by surprise, and I knew that she always carries a gun." He rubs the back of his neck. "I should've known not to surprise her." He pauses a moment before laughing. "It's a good thing I didn't go through with my original plan and scream in her ear."

"Mate, you would be a dead man," I respond, giggling.

Michael laughs at my giggle. "How are you a guy and can still giggle like a girl?" His voice is full of amusement and curiosity.

I shrug. "I guess it's just a gift."

I look over at Ky once again. I just want to protect her. That's all I ever really want to do.

I've grown so connected to her in the little time we've known each other. It's honestly crazy. I guess that's that's what happens when you go through something as traumatic as this with someone.

"You really like her, don't you?" Michael says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I feel my cheeks heat up a bit and I look down at my lap. A small smile plays on my lips as I shake my head. "We barely know each other."

I look up at him as he grins. "It doesn't take that much to fall for someone." His smile insanity drops as a memory enters his mind. "Believe me."

I open my mouth to ask about he sudden solemn mood, but Luke stands up, clapping his hands to get our attention.

We turn our heads to look up at the lanky blonde.

"There are a few rules," He says, rubbing his hands together.

Ky snorts, leaning back on the bed. "I don't do well with rules, Lucas."

Luke looks at her with a pout on his face. "My name's not Lucas."

She giggles. "Well it is now, HemHem."

Luke throws his hands up in exasperation. This causes her to laugh even harder. Michael laughs as well. I grin at her. She gets along with them so well already. I mean, I did too, but I thought that she may have some problems. I have a feeling that Calum has been mentally torturing her, instead of physically.

Michael speaks up, "Well, Luke I think you have a new best friend."

Luke laughs, sitting back down on the bed. He wraps his arm around Ky's shoulders and pulls her into his side. "I'm fine with that."

Ky pretends to flip her hair since her hair is pinned down by Luke's arm. "I am pretty cool."

I scoff, pretending to be offended. "I think I'm the coolest one here."

Ky only rolls her eyes as Michael speaks up. "You might be the coolest, lover boy, but I think we can all agree I'm the hottest."

Luke stands up. "Excuse me? I am clearly the hottest one here."

"No you're not you skinny kangaroo," Michael argues, crossing his arms.

"At least I don't dye my hair twice a week," Luke says.

"It's only once every two weeks, and at least I don't look like a tall breadstick," Michael counters.

Before this argument can continue, I open my mouth. "What are the rules, Luke?" I ask, still laughing.

"Oh, right." His cheeks turn red, realizing how off track he had gotten. "This room can only be accessed at night. Preferably between midnight and three in the morning. Those are the only times you could get in and out without getting caught."

He stops, looking at us. I'm guessing he's wondering if we have any questions.

"Is that it?" I ask.

He laughs. "I guess there was only one rule."

I see Ky roll her eyes from behind him. We lock eyes and I cross my eyes. She laughs at how stupid my face looks which causes me to laugh as well.

Michael stands up, clasping my shoulder. "We'll leave you two love birds alone."

The two walk towards the door after saying their goodbyes. But, before the two can exit through their secret entrance, Luke turns around.

He throws something to Ky, who catches it with ease. "That's to show you're with us. Ashton, you already have yours." I nod, understanding that he's talking about the bandana Jason gave me, which is securely in my pocket. "We're going to need the both of you at the next meeting. I'm not for sure when it will be, but Annabelle will come to get you guys soon." Luke looks to me. "Fill her in, will you?"

I nod, watching the pair finally leave. They're going to be great friends. I stand up and go over to sit by Ky.

"This is what I need to tell you. . . ."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Sorry for the late update but i finally got inspiration while sitting in science 😂 Hope you enjoyed!

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