Chapter 3

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Ashton's P.O.V

"Bring in the first fear."

I definitely did not like the sound of that. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I'm hoping that maybe something will go wrong, and they won't be able to "bring in the first fear".

Once again the room goes quiet. For much longer than the last. It's quiet for a good twenty minutes. I'm pretty sure they want to build up the suspense. Get me so wound up that when they finally do whatever it is they're gonna do, I'll have a much drastic reaction.

I try my best not to let the silence get to me. I can't let it get to me. I will not give them the satisfaction of me being scared out of my mind.

As I'm thinking these things, the lights shut off. My heartbeat instantly quickens. I blink multiple times, trying to get my eyes to adjust, but nothing seems to work. It's so dark that I can't even see my hands.

In fact, I scared myself when I reached up and touched my face. My heartbeat gets quicker and quicker.

I lean forward with my elbows on my knees, hoping that it might help calm me down.

"Please turn the lights on," I say. I don't know what else I could do in this situation.

I can't just yell at them and still expect them to do what I say. Yelling at them will only make it worse.

I wasn't actually expecting a response, so I jumped when I actually got one.

"Why should we?" The voice, although slightly distorted through the intercom, is the voice of a young male.

"Because it is inhumane to treat another living person like this," I respond.

"Don't be stupid. You are not our equal," The voice says rather hostile.

I take a deep breath, feeling my chest tighten. "Who are you?" They say nothing. "Please? I should at least know who's torturing me."

There's a huff through the intercom. "Fine. My name is Calum Hood."

I lean back in the seat, tilting my head back. I can only see the pitch black abyss above me. "I take it you already know my name?"

"Of course I do, Ashton," Calum responds. He says my voice laced with venom which causes me to shiver. "I know everything about you that you can't remember."

"You put me here?"

"It wasn't me specifically," He responds. "But you are here for our enjoyment."

I let out a dry laugh. "I have two things to say about that. One, that is sadistic to want to watch people in fear. Two, who is "we"? Who all is keeping Ky and I here?"

There's a pause. "I guess you'll have to find out. Enough talk, on with the game."

Game? Does he really think torturing us is a fucking game? I feel my blood start to boil. But, after a while of sitting in the dark, my anger soon turns to fear.

While I was talking to Calum I completely forgot about the darkness engulfing me. As I try to look around the room, my eyes start to create images that are obviously not there. I think I see someone or something moving around in the corner.

My chest tightens to the point where it feels as if it's impossible to breathe. I start to hyperventilate. I lean down again, resting my head between my knees. I don't know how this will help me, but it feels like the right thing to do.

"That's enough," I whisper.

I've never been fully enclosed in darkness like this since I've arrived here. Even while we were sleeping there was some kind of light on. Whether it be a glow from a soft light in the corner or the lights fully on. Not once ever complete darkness.

And now I understand why.

They knew I would freak out in complete darkness. They knew that it's one of my worst fears. That's what scares me the most. The fact that they know my fears when I don't know them myself.

They're going to use all this against me. Every fear that I have no clue about. That's why they gave us amnesia. To make us feel more scared in the face of our worst fears.

My thoughts go to how drained Ky always looks when she comes back from this hell. I know why she passes out the minute she gets in her door.

The fear they put her through completely drained her. Ky's body couldn't handle how much adrenaline was pumping through her veins.

I can feel that adrenaline now. I have a feeling that it's one of the contributing factors of my lack of breath.

I want to get out of here.

I need to get out of here.

I can't stand this any longer. I need to leave. I need to see Ky. I need her to make me feel better. She's the only friend I have in this hell hole. She's the only sliver of sanity that I have to hold on to.

I don't even know if I have a family. I don't know if there's anyone out there past this place of fears. I don't know if anyone is missing me. Looking for me. Worrying if I'm okay. Wondering where I am or if I'll come back.

So in reality, I only have Ky.

After a while, I'm pretty sure I passed out. I can't quite remember anything. It's hard to when you're trapped in darkness.

The next thing I know I'm being laid down on my bed. My eyes slowly open to meet the eyes of a kind looking man.

He smiles at me. "Try to get some rest, son."

My eyebrows knit together. "What d'you mean?" I'm shocked at how groggy my voice sounds.

He looks towards the door, making sure no one is there, then leans down to whisper, "Annabelle told me that you agreed. Now I'm here to help you."

I shake my head slightly. "I never agreed to anything."

The man only shrugs. "Consider it an act of kindness then." He straightens his posture then yells, "Stop talking to me, you heathen!"

He then walks out the door, dropping something on his way out. I quickly get up and rush over to it. I look up, happy to see that Ky is already asleep. I unfold the fabric and see that there's a piece of paper in it.

Be careful, it reads. They're turning on the cameras tomorrow to have 24 hour surveillance on the both of you. The bandana has a symbol on it. It's for us, The Reapers. Try to keep it hidden, but always keep it close by. It's something to show that you're with us.

Stay safe, Annabelle

I quickly tuck away both the bandana and the note under my pillow.

Twenty four hour surveillance, huh?

That's an invasion of privacy and such a control freak thing to do.

Then again, I don't think they really care.

Without warning, a wave of exhaustion rushes over me. I lay my head down on the pillow. Instinctively, my hand reaches under the pillow. It curls itself around the bandana. The feeling of the soft fabric is so familiar. There's something about it that makes me home? I'm not quite sure.

I try my best to push out all the pesky thoughts invading my mind and let myself fall into a long, peaceful sleep.

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