Chapter 13

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Michael's P.O.V

I twirl the pen I have round and round with my fingers. I'm pretty much doing that cool drumstick trick a lot of drummers do.

(This is what he was doing)

(This is what he was doing)

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(Back to the story)

I'm practically balancing on the tree branch. My favorite tree to be exact. I can see everyone and everything from here. The old leather journal that Mali gave me is balancing in my lap, which I'm writing my report in. There's a lot of balancing going on here. I chuckle to myself at that thought. It wasn't even that funny but I've been stuck in this tree all day and I think the thin air is getting to me.

Or I'm just dumb.

Whatever floats your boat.

Anyways, back to the point, I'm trying to find out all that I can from where I'm at. I have a perfect view into the Hood Mansion from where I am. The greedy bastards decided to put in a lot of windows. Perfect for me, but there are definite ways to spend your money better.

I continue to watch, seeing Calum throw something across his room.

I would ask what's wrong, but I don't care. Mommy and Daddy probably didn't let him get a new jet ski or some shit. (It's almost summer which means I get to go to the lake soon and i'm excited 😄)

I turn my attention back to the guards who are running laps around the football (European football, not American) stadium sized yard.

They push themselves to the limit for those bastards that I have to associate with. I would rather have been killed in Panic Room than to have to deal with this. I could just end it all and finally be with Vanessa again, but I have to live.

For Mali.

And Luke.

And Ashton.

And Ky.

I have to help them. I can't just leave them. It would kill Mali if I was gone.

We've been through so much with each other in the past few years. She could have easily abandoned me as soon as I helped her and Raphael escape, but she didn't. She stayed with me and continues to help me try and find my memories. I just want to know who I was before I came here. The people I used to be friends with and maybe I had a girlfriend.

But so far, nothing has come up.

The leads we've found are only dead ends. Nothing we've tried has worked. They deleted all records of me. Even my birth certificate. Its a good thing remember my birthday or else I would have to make one up.

At least they let me remember my name, age, and birthday.

They didn't take everything from me.

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