Chapter 12

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Mali's P.O.V

After the meeting, I make my way back to Raphael and I's shared home. We had to change our names so that we could live in the small house in the secluded neighborhood. They don't recognize either of us, which is perfect for us. We cannot risk getting caught by my family or the officers that patrol all of New Australia.

They don't recognize us either. It's almost like everyone in the area forgot who we are. To be fair, we dyed our hair. The cameras never got close enough to us to see our faces.

It's a true miracle that no one has recognized us. Michael was able to get us this small house and he helped us get our names changed.

He's helped me through a lot.

I don't know where I'd be without him.

I make my way up the small pathway, carefully stepping over the rocks so that I don't fall on my face. It's happened many times before.

I walk up the stairs, a smile already forming on my lips. I feel like I haven't seen Raphi in ages.

Then again I saw him this morning.

But as I near the door, I realize it's cracked open. My fight or flight instincts immediately kick in as my hand flies to the waistband of my jeans. I pull out my gun, taking it off safety so that if anyone attacks I'll be ready.

I push the door open with my elbow slowly. I step in and hold the gun up, searching for any danger.

My first thought is to call out for Raphael, but I refrain. That would alert whoever broke in, if they were still here, that I'm in the house.

I listen carefully, but all I can hear is the ocean waves from the backyard.

I don't let the silence comfort me. I cannot let my guard down.

I look through the kitchen and living room, finding both rooms completely empty. They looked exactly how I left them.

I carefully climb up the stairs. I miss the steps that I know creak. The only things I can hear are my shallow breaths and my heartbeat. 

When I reach the landing, I turn to look in the first room to my right, which is the bathroom. I can see well with the pale moonlight coming in through the windows.

The room is empty.

I continue down the seemingly long hallway and look into the next room. It's just a guest room that Michael uses sometimes when he's able to slip away from Calum.

It is also empty.

Nothing but some clothes that Michael left behind and his guitar that he keeps hidden here.

If this wasn't such a serious situation then I would make a mental note to get him his clothes and guitar.

I turn to the left where the last room is located.

Our room.

The door is also cracked. Just like the front door.

Where's Raphael?

I push the door open with my foot, putting my finger on the trigger. The door swings open, revealing the worst possible scene imaginable.

Raphael lays on his stomach on the floor. His empty eyes looking straight at me. Blood stains the carpet and his hand clutches a note.

I could care less about the piece of paper.

I fall to my knees and let out a blood curdling cry. Tears fall down my face faster than I thought possible. I crawl towards his lifeless body. I pull his head in my lap and sob.

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